Below is a demonstration for:
- Building geometry for a hemi-spherical blob with hexahedral elements which is being sheared by a rigid wall. This demo consists off:
- Defining the boundary conditions
- Coding the febio structure
- Running the model
- Importing and visualizing the displacement results
- Keywords
- Plot settings
- Control parameters
- Creating model geometry and mesh
- Creating rigid body shear surface
- Join model node sets
- Get local material axes
- Visualize contact surfaces
- Setup boundary conditions
- Defining the FEBio input structure
- Quick viewing of the FEBio input file structure
- Exporting the FEBio input file
- Running the FEBio analysis
- Import FEBio results
- febio_spec version 4.0
- febio, FEBio
- indentation
- contact, sliding, friction
- rigid body constraints
- hexahedral elements, hex8, hex20
- quadrilaterial elements, quad4, quad8
- shell elements
- sphere
- static, solid
- hyperelastic, Ogden
- hyperelastic, Fung orthotropic
- displacement logfile
clear; close all; clc;
Plot settings
fontSize=15; faceAlpha1=0.8; faceAlpha2=0.3; markerSize=40; markerSize2=15; lineWidth=3;
Control parameters
% Path names defaultFolder = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))); savePath=fullfile(defaultFolder,'data','temp'); % Defining file names febioFebFileNamePart='tempModel'; febioFebFileName=fullfile(savePath,[febioFebFileNamePart,'.feb']); %FEB file name febioLogFileName=fullfile(savePath,[febioFebFileNamePart,'.txt']); %FEBio log file name febioLogFileName_disp=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_disp_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting displacement % Hemi-sphere parameters hemiSphereRadius=6; numElementsMantel=4; smoothEdge=1; solidElementType='hex8';%'hex20'; membraneThickness=0.1; % Ground plate parameters plateRadius=1.3*hemiSphereRadius; % Probe parameters probeWidth=3*hemiSphereRadius; filletProbe=hemiSphereRadius/2; %Fillet radius % Define probe displacement probeDisplacement=hemiSphereRadius*2; probeOverlapFactor=0.3; probeLength=hemiSphereRadius*2; % Material parameter set l=1e-3; lt=1000*l; m=1e-3; mt=1000*m; mu1=mt; mu2=mt; mu3=m; lambda11=lt; lambda22=lt; lambda12=lt; lambda33=l; lambda23=l; lambda13=l; [E1,E2,E3,G12,G23,G31,v12,v23,v31]=lameInvertHookeOrthotropic(mu1,mu2,mu3,lambda11,lambda22,lambda33,lambda12,lambda23,lambda13); materialPropertiesFung.E1=E1; materialPropertiesFung.E2=E2; materialPropertiesFung.E3=E3; materialPropertiesFung.G12=G12; materialPropertiesFung.G23=G23; materialPropertiesFung.G31=G31; materialPropertiesFung.v12=v12; materialPropertiesFung.v23=v23; materialPropertiesFung.v31=v31; materialPropertiesFung.c=10; materialPropertiesFung.k=1000*mean([G12 G23 G31]); %Ogden parameters materialPropertiesOgden.c1=1e-3; %Shear-modulus-like parameter materialPropertiesOgden.m1=2; %Material parameter setting degree of non-linearity materialPropertiesOgden.k=1000*materialPropertiesOgden.c1; %Bulk modulus % FEA control settings numTimeSteps=25; max_refs=25; %Max reforms max_ups=0; %Set to zero to use full-Newton iterations opt_iter=15; %Optimum number of iterations max_retries=25; %Maximum number of retires symmetric_stiffness=0; min_residual=1e-20; step_size=1/numTimeSteps; dtmin=(1/numTimeSteps)/100; %Minimum time step size dtmax=(1/numTimeSteps); %Maximum time step size runMode='internal';% 'internal' or 'external' %Contact parameters contactPenalty=0.01; laugon=0; minaug=1; maxaug=10; fric_coeff=0; max_traction=0;
Creating model geometry and mesh
%Control settings optionStruct.sphereRadius=hemiSphereRadius; optionStruct.coreRadius=optionStruct.sphereRadius/2; optionStruct.numElementsMantel=numElementsMantel; optionStruct.numElementsCore=optionStruct.numElementsMantel*2; optionStruct.outputStructType=2; optionStruct.makeHollow=0; optionStruct.cParSmooth.n=25; % %Creating sphere [meshStruct]=hexMeshHemiSphere(optionStruct); % Access model element and patch data Fb_blob=meshStruct.facesBoundary; Cb_blob=meshStruct.boundaryMarker; V_blob=meshStruct.nodes; E_blob=meshStruct.elements; F_blob=element2patch(E_blob);
pointSpacingBlob=max(patchEdgeLengths(Fb_blob,V_blob)); %Smoothen edges if smoothEdge==1 %Get rigid region ind=1:1:size(V_blob,1); %Indices for all nodes indRigid1=find(ismember(ind,Fb_blob(Cb_blob==2,:)) & ~ismember(ind,Fb_blob(Cb_blob==1,:))); %Indices for new bottom surface nodes indRigid2=find(ismember(ind,Fb_blob(Cb_blob==1,:)) & ~ismember(ind,Fb_blob(Cb_blob==2,:))); %Indices for new bottom surface nodes indRigid=[indRigid1(:); indRigid2(:);]; %Smoothing cPar.Method='HC'; cPar.n=250; cPar.RigidConstraints=indRigid; [Vb_blob]=patchSmooth(F_blob,V_blob,[],cPar); indSmooth=unique(F_blob(:)); V_blob(indSmooth,:)=Vb_blob(indSmooth,:); %Fix color data with new bottom surface Cb_blob=ones(size(Cb_blob)); Cb_blob(all(ismember(Fb_blob,indRigid1),2))=2; meshStruct.nodes=V_blob; end if strcmp(solidElementType,'hex20') [E_blob,V_blob,~,~,Fb_blob]=hex8_hex20(E_blob,V_blob,{},Fb_blob); [Fb_blob_plot]=element2patch(Fb_blob,[],'quad8'); meshStruct.elements=E_blob; meshStruct.nodes=V_blob; meshStruct.Fb=Fb_blob_plot; shellElementType='quad8'; else Fb_blob_plot=Fb_blob; shellElementType='quad4'; end
Visualize blob mesh
hFig=cFigure; subplot(1,2,1); hold on; hp=gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V_blob,Cb_blob,'k',1); hp.Marker='.'; hp.MarkerSize=markerSize2; % patchNormPlot(Fb_blob,V_blob); % plotV(V_blob(indRigid,:),'g.','MarkerSize',25); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); colormap(gjet); icolorbar; camlight headlight; hs=subplot(1,2,2); hold on; title('Cut view of solid mesh','FontSize',fontSize); optionStruct.hFig=[hFig hs]; gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V_blob,'kw','none',0.25); meshView(meshStruct,optionStruct); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); drawnow;

Creating rigid body shear surface
pointSpacingProbe=pointSpacingBlob/2; %Sketching side profile d=hemiSphereRadius*cos(asin(1-probeOverlapFactor)); x=[-probeLength-hemiSphereRadius -d -d]; y=[0 0 0]; z=[hemiSphereRadius*(1-probeOverlapFactor) hemiSphereRadius*(1-probeOverlapFactor) hemiSphereRadius*1.5]; V_probe_curve_sketch=[x(:) y(:) z(:)]; %Fillet sketch np=100; %Number of points used to construct each fillet edge [V_probe_curve]=filletCurve(V_probe_curve_sketch,filletProbe,np,0); numPointsProbeCurve=ceil(max(pathLength(V_probe_curve))/pointSpacingProbe); [V_probe_curve] = evenlySampleCurve(V_probe_curve,numPointsProbeCurve,'pchip',0); % Extruding curve % controlParametersExtrude.pointSpacing=pointSpacingProbe; controlParametersExtrude.depth=hemiSphereRadius*2.5; controlParametersExtrude.numSteps=ceil(controlParametersExtrude.depth/pointSpacingProbe); controlParametersExtrude.numSteps=controlParametersExtrude.numSteps+iseven(controlParametersExtrude.numSteps); %Force uneven controlParametersExtrude.patchType='quad'; controlParametersExtrude.dir=0; controlParametersExtrude.n=[0 1 0]; controlParametersExtrude.closeLoopOpt=0; [F_probe,V_probe]=polyExtrude(V_probe_curve,controlParametersExtrude); F_probe=fliplr(F_probe); %Invert face orientation so normals point to blob if strcmp(solidElementType,'hex20') [F_probe,V_probe]=quad4_quad8(F_probe,V_probe); [F_probe_plot]=element2patch(F_probe,[],'quad8'); else F_probe_plot=F_probe; end center_of_mass_probe=mean(V_probe,1);
Visualizing probe mesh
cFigure; hold on; title('The probe surface mesh','fontSize',fontSize); gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V_blob,'kw','none',0.5); hl(1)=plotV(V_probe_curve_sketch,'k.-.','lineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',25); hl(2)=plotV(V_probe_curve,'r-','lineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',25); hl(3)=gpatch(F_probe_plot,V_probe,'gw','k',1); % hl(3).Marker='.'; % hl(3).MarkerSize=markerSize2; legend(hl,{'Sketched probe curve','Rounded probe curve','Probe surface mesh'}); clear hl; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Join model node sets
V=[V_blob; V_probe]; F_probe=F_probe+size(V_blob,1); F_probe_plot=F_probe_plot+size(V_blob,1);
Visualizing model
cFigure; hold on; gtitle('Model components',fontSize); hl(1)=gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V,'rw','k',0.8); hl(2)=gpatch(F_probe_plot,V,'gw','k',0.8); legend(hl,{'Blob','Probe'}); clear hl; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Get local material axes
[N1,N2]=vectorOrthogonalPair(N3); %Get orthogonal vector pair
Visualizing axes
cFigure; hold on; gtitle('Local material axes',fontSize); hl(1)=gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V,'w','k',1); hl(2)=quiverVec(Vn,N1,pointSpacingBlob,'y'); hl(3)=quiverVec(Vn,N2,pointSpacingBlob,'g'); hl(4)=quiverVec(Vn,N3,pointSpacingBlob,'b'); legend(hl,{'Blob','1st axis','2nd axis','3rd axis'}); clear hl; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Visualize contact surfaces
cFigure; title('Probe blob contact pair','fontsize',fontSize); hl(1)=gpatch(F_probe_plot,V,'rw','k',1); patchNormPlot(F_probe_plot,V); hl(2)=gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V,'gw','k',1); patchNormPlot(Fb_blob_plot,V); legend(hl,{'Secondary','Primary'}); clear hl; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Setup boundary conditions
Visualize boundary condition sets
cFigure; hold on; title('Boundary conditions ','fontsize',fontSize); gpatch(F_probe_plot,V,'kw','none',0.2); gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V,'kw','none',0.2); hl(1)=plotV(V(bcSupportList,:),'k.','MarkerSize',markerSize); legend(hl,{'Supported nodes'}); clear hl; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Defining the FEBio input structure
See also febioStructTemplate and febioStruct2xml and the FEBio user manual.
%Get a template with default settings [febio_spec]=febioStructTemplate; %febio_spec version febio_spec.ATTR.version='4.0'; %Module section febio_spec.Module.ATTR.type='solid'; %Control section febio_spec.Control.analysis='STATIC'; febio_spec.Control.time_steps=numTimeSteps; febio_spec.Control.step_size=step_size; febio_spec.Control.solver.max_refs=max_refs; febio_spec.Control.solver.qn_method.max_ups=max_ups; febio_spec.Control.solver.symmetric_stiffness=symmetric_stiffness; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.dtmin=dtmin; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.dtmax=dtmax; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.max_retries=max_retries; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.opt_iter=opt_iter; %Material section materialName1='Material1'; febio_spec.Material.material{1}; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.ATTR.type='Ogden'; febio_spec.Material.material{1}; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.c1=materialPropertiesOgden.c1; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.m1=materialPropertiesOgden.m1; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.c2=materialPropertiesOgden.c1; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.m2=-materialPropertiesOgden.m1; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.k=materialPropertiesOgden.k; materialName2='Material2'; febio_spec.Material.material{2}; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.ATTR.type='Fung orthotropic'; febio_spec.Material.material{2}; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.E1=materialPropertiesFung.E1; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.E2=materialPropertiesFung.E2; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.E3=materialPropertiesFung.E3; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.G12=materialPropertiesFung.G12; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.G23=materialPropertiesFung.G23; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.G31=materialPropertiesFung.G31; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.v12=materialPropertiesFung.v12; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.v23=materialPropertiesFung.v23; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.v31=materialPropertiesFung.v31; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.c=materialPropertiesFung.c; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.k=materialPropertiesFung.k; materialName3='Material3'; febio_spec.Material.material{3}; febio_spec.Material.material{3}.ATTR.type='rigid body'; febio_spec.Material.material{3}; febio_spec.Material.material{3}.density=1; febio_spec.Material.material{3}.center_of_mass=center_of_mass_probe; %Mesh section % -> Nodes febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1}'nodeSet_all'; %The node set name febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1},1))'; %The node id's febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1}.node.VAL=V; %The nodel coordinates % -> Elements partName1='Part1'; febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}; %Name of this part febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}.ATTR.type=solidElementType; %Element type febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1},1))'; %Element id's febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}.elem.VAL=E_blob; %The element matrix partName2='Part2'; febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}; %Name of this part febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}.ATTR.type=shellElementType; %Element type febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2},1)+(1:1:size(Fb_blob,1))'; %Element id's febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}.elem.VAL=Fb_blob; partName3='Part3'; febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{3}; %Name of this part febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{3}.ATTR.type=shellElementType; %Element type febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{3},1)+size(Fb_blob,1)+(1:1:size(F_probe,1))'; %Element id's febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{3}.elem.VAL=F_probe; % -> NodeSets nodeSetName1='bcSupportList'; febio_spec.Mesh.NodeSet{1}; febio_spec.Mesh.NodeSet{1}.VAL=mrow(bcSupportList); %MeshDomains section; febio_spec.MeshDomains.SolidDomain.ATTR.mat=materialName1; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{1}; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{1}.ATTR.mat=materialName2; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{1}.shell_thickness=membraneThickness; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{2}; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{2}.ATTR.mat=materialName3; % % -> Surfaces surfaceName1='contactSurface1'; febio_spec.Mesh.Surface{1}; febio_spec.Mesh.Surface{1}.(shellElementType),1))'; febio_spec.Mesh.Surface{1}.(shellElementType).VAL=F_probe; surfaceName2='contactSurface2'; febio_spec.Mesh.Surface{2}; febio_spec.Mesh.Surface{2}.(shellElementType),:),1))'; febio_spec.Mesh.Surface{2}.(shellElementType).VAL=Fb_blob(Cb_blob==1,:); % -> Surface pairs contactPairName1='Contact1'; febio_spec.Mesh.SurfacePair{1}; febio_spec.Mesh.SurfacePair{1}.primary=surfaceName2; febio_spec.Mesh.SurfacePair{1}.secondary=surfaceName1; %MeshData section % -> ElementData febio_spec.MeshData.ElementData{1}.ATTR.elem_set=partName2; febio_spec.MeshData.ElementData{1}.ATTR.type='mat_axis'; for q=1:1:size(N1,1) febio_spec.MeshData.ElementData{1}.elem{q}.ATTR.lid=q; febio_spec.MeshData.ElementData{1}.elem{q}.a=N1(q,:); febio_spec.MeshData.ElementData{1}.elem{q}.d=N2(q,:); end %Boundary condition section % -> Fix boundary conditions febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}'zero_displacement_xyz'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.type='zero displacement'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.node_set=nodeSetName1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.x_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.y_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.z_dof=1; %Rigid section % ->Rigid body fix boundary conditions febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}'RigidFix_1'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.ATTR.type='rigid_fixed'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.rb=3; % febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rx_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Ry_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rz_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Ru_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rv_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rw_dof=1; % ->Rigid body prescribe boundary conditions febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}'RigidPrescribe'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.ATTR.type='rigid_displacement'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.rb=3; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.dof='x'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.value.VAL=probeDisplacement; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.relative=0; %Contact section{1}.ATTR.surface_pair=contactPairName1;{1}.ATTR.type='sliding-elastic';{1}.two_pass=0;{1}.laugon=laugon;{1}.tolerance=0.2;{1}.gaptol=0;{1}.minaug=minaug;{1}.maxaug=maxaug;{1}.search_tol=0.01;{1}.search_radius=0.1*sqrt(sum((max(V,[],1)-min(V,[],1)).^2,2));{1}.symmetric_stiffness=0;{1}.auto_penalty=1;{1}.penalty=contactPenalty;{1}.fric_coeff=fric_coeff; %LoadData section % -> load_controller febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}'LC_1'; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}.ATTR.type='loadcurve'; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}.interpolate='LINEAR'; %febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}.extend='CONSTANT'; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}[0 0; 1 1]; %Output section % -> log file febio_spec.Output.logfile.ATTR.file=febioLogFileName; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{1}.ATTR.file=febioLogFileName_disp; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{1}'ux;uy;uz'; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{1}.ATTR.delim=','; % Plotfile section febio_spec.Output.plotfile.compression=0;
Quick viewing of the FEBio input file structure
The febView function can be used to view the xml structure in a MATLAB figure window.
febView(febio_spec); %Viewing the febio file
Exporting the FEBio input file
Exporting the febio_spec structure to an FEBio input file is done using the febioStruct2xml function.
febioStruct2xml(febio_spec,febioFebFileName); %Exporting to file and domNode
Running the FEBio analysis
To run the analysis defined by the created FEBio input file the runMonitorFEBio function is used. The input for this function is a structure defining job settings e.g. the FEBio input file name. The optional output runFlag informs the user if the analysis was run succesfully.
febioAnalysis.run_filename=febioFebFileName; %The input file name febioAnalysis.run_logname=febioLogFileName; %The name for the log file febioAnalysis.disp_on=1; %Display information on the command window febioAnalysis.runMode=runMode; [runFlag]=runMonitorFEBio(febioAnalysis);%START FEBio NOW!!!!!!!!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --------> RUNNING/MONITORING FEBIO JOB <-------- 20-Apr-2023 18:01:48 FEBio path: /home/kevin/FEBioStudio2/bin/febio4 # Attempt removal of existing log files 20-Apr-2023 18:01:48 * Removal succesful 20-Apr-2023 18:01:48 # Attempt removal of existing .xplt files 20-Apr-2023 18:01:48 * Removal succesful 20-Apr-2023 18:01:48 # Starting FEBio... 20-Apr-2023 18:01:48 Max. total analysis time is: Inf s =========================================================================== ________ _________ _______ __ _________ | |\ | |\ | \\ | |\ / \\ | ____|| | ____|| | __ || |__|| | ___ || | |\___\| | |\___\| | |\_| || \_\| | // \ || | ||__ | ||__ | ||_| || | |\ | || | || | |\ | |\ | \\ | || | || | || | ___|| | ___|| | ___ || | || | || | || | |\__\| | |\__\| | |\__| || | || | || | || | || | ||___ | ||__| || | || | \\__/ || | || | |\ | || | || | || |___|| |________|| |_________// |__|| \_________// F I N I T E E L E M E N T S F O R B I O M E C H A N I C S version 4.1.0 FEBio is a registered trademark. copyright (c) 2006-2023 - All rights reserved =========================================================================== Default linear solver: pardiso Success loading plugin (version 1.0.0) Success loading plugin (version 2.0.0) Reading file /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel.feb ...SUCCESS! Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 0 Time = 0 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ************************************************************************* * Selecting linear solver pardiso * ************************************************************************* ===== beginning time step 1 : 0.04 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314749 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.04 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.278678e-30 1.183365e-24 0.000000e+00 energy 1.249471e-31 1.700896e-32 1.249471e-33 displacement 3.812584e-30 3.812584e-30 3.812584e-36 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * No force acting on the system. * ************************************************************************* convergence summary number of iterations : 1 number of reformations : 1 ------- converged at time : 0.04 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 1 Time = 0.04 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(4%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 2 : 0.08 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314749 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.08 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.183365e-24 2.708415e-24 0.000000e+00 energy 2.982945e-28 1.819645e-28 2.982945e-30 displacement 2.484348e-29 2.484348e-29 2.484348e-35 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * No force acting on the system. * ************************************************************************* convergence summary number of iterations : 1 number of reformations : 1 ------- converged at time : 0.08 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 2 Time = 0.08 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(8%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 3 : 0.12 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314749 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.12 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.708415e-24 4.803897e-24 0.000000e+00 energy 6.727254e-28 4.301164e-28 6.727254e-30 displacement 7.859661e-29 7.859661e-29 7.859661e-35 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * No force acting on the system. * ************************************************************************* convergence summary number of iterations : 1 number of reformations : 1 ------- converged at time : 0.12 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 3 Time = 0.12 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(12%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 4 : 0.16 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314749 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.16 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.803897e-24 8.474256e-24 0.000000e+00 energy 1.351927e-27 9.715834e-28 1.351927e-29 displacement 1.645213e-28 1.645213e-28 1.645213e-34 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * No force acting on the system. * ************************************************************************* convergence summary number of iterations : 1 number of reformations : 1 ------- converged at time : 0.16 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 4 Time = 0.16 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(16%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 5 : 0.2 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314749 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.474256e-24 3.817631e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 2.106469e-27 7.292918e-18 2.106469e-29 displacement 2.597182e-28 6.492956e-29 6.492956e-35 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314839 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 0.413601 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.817631e-04 3.236764e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 7.292918e-18 7.362321e-04 7.292918e-20 displacement 2.597182e-28 1.140667e-01 1.140667e-07 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314839 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.236764e+00 8.726925e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 7.362321e-04 9.892783e-05 7.362321e-06 displacement 2.597182e-28 5.049775e-01 1.065808e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.236764e+00 1.262363e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 7.362321e-04 1.423990e-04 7.362321e-06 displacement 2.597182e-28 2.171908e-02 9.774861e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.236764e+00 3.481272e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 7.362321e-04 1.354237e-05 7.362321e-06 displacement 2.597182e-28 3.816846e-03 9.210511e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.236764e+00 1.015401e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 7.362321e-04 8.194885e-07 7.362321e-06 displacement 2.597182e-28 2.749946e-03 8.848058e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.236764e+00 2.637022e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 7.362321e-04 1.710973e-08 7.362321e-06 displacement 2.597182e-28 1.530372e-05 8.822479e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.236764e+00 4.357759e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 7.362321e-04 3.493895e-12 7.362321e-06 displacement 2.597182e-28 3.636512e-07 8.819489e-07 convergence summary number of iterations : 8 number of reformations : 8 ------- converged at time : 0.2 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 5 Time = 0.2 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(20%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 6 : 0.24 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.24 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.376855e-04 6.493037e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.138931e-02 5.157590e-03 1.138931e-04 displacement 2.145554e+00 5.363884e-01 5.363884e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 2 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.24 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 1 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0384615 ===== beginning time step 6 : 0.238462 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314803 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 5.553508e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 4.112125e-03 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 4.959212e-01 4.959212e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 0.284680 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 2.069689e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 1.005679e-03 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 2.445595e-01 1.295697e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314857 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.385705 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 3.867870e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 9.402813e-04 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 9.785250e-02 1.843436e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314857 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.238391 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 3.235967e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 3.859329e-04 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 1.141388e-02 2.062877e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314857 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 1.935428e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 2.015541e-04 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 1.180272e-01 3.146953e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314857 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 3.730183e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 8.602314e-05 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 3.746821e-02 2.867910e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314857 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 15 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 9.328460e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 2.827550e-05 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 2.277573e-02 2.651628e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314827 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 2.821835e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 4.353802e-06 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 5.968287e-03 2.589910e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314827 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 17 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 2.121897e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 5.734087e-07 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 6.842545e-04 2.557646e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314827 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 18 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 2.318119e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 5.322452e-09 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 4.815197e-05 2.549294e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314839 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.238462 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 19 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.895885e-04 3.568393e-12 0.000000e+00 energy 1.053006e-02 5.918914e-12 1.053006e-04 displacement 1.983685e+00 6.939370e-08 2.548846e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 11 number of reformations : 11 ------- converged at time : 0.238462 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 6 Time = 0.238461538 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(24%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0387196 ===== beginning time step 7 : 0.277181 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314839 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.277181 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.872507e-04 1.089111e+02 0.000000e+00 energy 1.725979e-02 1.131328e-02 1.725979e-04 displacement 2.817819e+00 7.044547e-01 7.044547e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.277181 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 0.256890 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.872507e-04 4.137455e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.725979e-02 2.024316e-03 1.725979e-04 displacement 2.817819e+00 1.447334e-01 1.182591e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.277181 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.872507e-04 4.290273e+04 0.000000e+00 energy 1.725979e-02 1.590528e+01 1.725979e-04 displacement 2.817819e+00 2.020738e+00 2.686956e-06 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 4 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.277181 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 1 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0372304 ===== beginning time step 7 : 0.275692 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314839 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 9.316012e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 9.251666e-03 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 6.513078e-01 6.513078e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 0.328285 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 2.613463e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 1.594233e-03 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 2.309892e-01 1.332217e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.076856 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 1.572890e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 3.836825e-04 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 1.786203e-02 1.432005e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.596322 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 2.113108e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 6.107055e-04 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 3.566013e-01 2.887447e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.228326 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 2.061311e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 2.640298e-04 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 2.080235e-02 3.170363e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314893 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 18 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.604955 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 2.977479e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 1.756457e-04 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 2.037798e-02 3.405420e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 19 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 9.582721e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 1.168447e-04 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 2.782971e-02 3.539943e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 20 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 1.538488e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 6.016859e-05 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 2.833307e-02 3.313390e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 21 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 6.636953e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 1.447585e-05 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 1.463621e-02 3.209939e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 22 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 2.580757e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 3.046937e-06 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 2.137745e-03 3.184592e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 23 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 7.268633e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 1.909758e-07 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 3.179347e-04 3.178457e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 12 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 24 stiffness matrix reformations = 12 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 6.113022e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 3.289912e-09 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 6.483435e-06 3.179686e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #13 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 13 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.275692 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 25 stiffness matrix reformations = 13 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 9.127711e-04 4.931880e-12 0.000000e+00 energy 1.595764e-02 2.226969e-11 1.595764e-04 displacement 2.605231e+00 5.112098e-08 3.179956e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 13 number of reformations : 13 ------- converged at time : 0.275692 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 7 Time = 0.275691936 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(28%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0374358 ===== beginning time step 8 : 0.313128 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314869 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.277741 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 9.523094e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 5.314132e-03 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 2.718153e-01 2.718153e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314905 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 2.923484e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 3.734416e-03 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 3.165023e+00 5.042074e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.342609 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 1.176798e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 4.687076e-04 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 1.119750e-02 5.202345e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.490165 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 3.181133e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 2.676461e-04 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 1.274711e-02 5.237408e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 1.542501e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 1.178964e-04 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 9.460666e-02 4.647270e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 2.122366e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 7.180405e-05 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 5.803428e-02 4.212154e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 6.837760e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 1.583002e-05 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 2.922434e-02 3.968478e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 1.306928e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 2.161370e-06 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 3.722879e-03 3.899896e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 1.100552e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 5.497904e-08 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 3.089036e-04 3.882110e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.313128 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.141729e-03 1.988286e-09 0.000000e+00 energy 2.691140e-02 5.495804e-10 2.691140e-04 displacement 3.523669e+00 1.994504e-06 3.881740e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 10 number of reformations : 10 ------- converged at time : 0.313128 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 8 Time = 0.31312776 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(31%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0379487 ===== beginning time step 9 : 0.351076 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.284673 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 1.509694e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 8.957060e-03 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 3.768062e-01 3.768062e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314905 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 2.285717e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 2.691156e-03 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 4.544457e+00 7.122779e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.030803 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 2.234447e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 2.226000e-04 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 1.676038e-02 6.751514e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 2.074515e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 3.804894e-03 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 1.080896e-01 6.796579e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 1.441255e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 7.688207e-04 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 2.312281e-01 5.684720e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.081303 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 1.171558e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 9.384495e-05 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 4.508402e-03 5.637466e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 2.362039e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 1.858437e-04 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 1.110780e-01 5.290259e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 2.821331e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 4.086481e-05 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 2.001208e-02 5.120771e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 15 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 8.905704e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 2.062700e-06 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 2.695327e-02 5.022686e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 1.576938e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 1.141977e-06 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 1.612968e-03 4.983352e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 17 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 1.575564e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 3.857916e-08 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 2.757249e-04 4.972620e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 12 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.351076 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 18 stiffness matrix reformations = 12 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.362062e-03 5.948709e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 3.767541e-02 8.366199e-10 3.767541e-04 displacement 4.649691e+00 4.788945e-06 4.969651e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 12 number of reformations : 12 ------- converged at time : 0.351076 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 9 Time = 0.35107642 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(35%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0381908 ===== beginning time step 10 : 0.389267 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314875 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 8.349732e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 3.526637e-04 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 1.018536e+00 1.018536e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314953 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 0.085634 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 6.388132e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 1.618364e-03 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 1.658491e-02 1.167422e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314953 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.383778 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 1.696115e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 2.366214e-03 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 2.683168e-01 2.318475e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314953 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 1.965652e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 4.778094e-03 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 8.738353e-01 5.496527e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 4.603624e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 5.189865e-04 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 1.297666e-01 5.003764e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 1.493884e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 1.002689e-04 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 1.646089e-01 4.605392e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 15 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 3.652673e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 6.052162e-05 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 5.556393e-02 4.573065e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 6.592100e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 2.666669e-05 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 3.023559e-02 4.610790e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 17 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 6.864901e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 5.702066e-06 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 7.166961e-03 4.665974e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 18 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 1.332411e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 5.642941e-07 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 8.987634e-04 4.698566e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 19 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 3.884122e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 2.465383e-08 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 3.263109e-05 4.709530e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 12 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.389267 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 20 stiffness matrix reformations = 12 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.552145e-03 2.038845e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 2.916982e-02 4.831561e-10 2.916982e-04 displacement 4.074143e+00 5.337405e-07 4.711566e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 12 number of reformations : 12 ------- converged at time : 0.389267 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 10 Time = 0.389267208 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(39%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0384043 ===== beginning time step 11 : 0.427672 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.365549 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 2.691370e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 9.085216e-03 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 5.367979e-01 5.367979e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314965 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 7.779857e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 1.231201e-03 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 2.571250e+00 5.110339e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314941 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.320000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 5.248766e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 5.877189e-04 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 7.427427e-02 4.551859e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314959 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 1.754771e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 5.842658e-05 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 4.415552e-02 4.484993e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314959 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 4.829240e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 6.136205e-05 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 1.764777e-01 3.893392e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314959 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 9.949356e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 2.635601e-05 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 3.585680e-02 3.841135e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 5.554549e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 5.655133e-06 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 1.342412e-02 3.799016e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 1.368139e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 5.089791e-07 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 1.464757e-03 3.805016e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 2.679603e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 2.202819e-08 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 5.944012e-05 3.808090e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.427672 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.736372e-03 2.218556e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 4.187564e-02 5.947319e-10 4.187564e-04 displacement 4.017157e+00 1.388205e-06 3.808864e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 10 number of reformations : 10 ------- converged at time : 0.427672 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 11 Time = 0.427671544 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(43%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0387235 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.466395 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.466395 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.390670 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.196481e-03 3.950702e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.317277e-02 1.332794e-02 5.317277e-04 displacement 4.916969e+00 7.504411e-01 7.504411e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315013 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.466395 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.196481e-03 8.578087e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.317277e-02 2.423460e-02 5.317277e-04 displacement 4.916969e+00 2.452162e+00 5.716351e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.466395 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.138025 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.196481e-03 5.493847e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.317277e-02 1.127436e-03 5.317277e-04 displacement 4.916969e+00 2.604055e-02 6.083769e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.466395 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.086309 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.196481e-03 4.289152e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.317277e-02 5.877111e-04 5.317277e-04 displacement 4.916969e+00 1.921623e-02 6.486131e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.466395 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.097028 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.196481e-03 3.059716e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.317277e-02 1.053073e-03 5.317277e-04 displacement 4.916969e+00 1.286099e-02 6.481884e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.466395 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.062581 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.196481e-03 2.569443e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.317277e-02 1.355969e-04 5.317277e-04 displacement 4.916969e+00 6.048984e-03 6.717688e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 7 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.466395 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 1 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0372341 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.464906 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.403139 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 3.827099e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 1.223144e-02 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 7.388221e-01 7.388221e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315013 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 5.637274e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 1.671952e-02 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 2.311880e+00 5.457305e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.135009 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 3.865632e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 8.046051e-04 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 2.317566e-02 5.889256e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.198897 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 2.024995e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 9.901053e-04 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 1.922051e-02 6.178665e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.058133 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 1.583045e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 5.434144e-04 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 6.443682e-03 6.238255e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.081290 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 1.227298e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 1.330745e-04 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 7.505053e-03 6.542766e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 0.061784 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 8.368614e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 2.276272e-05 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 1.079256e-02 6.853723e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 20 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 0.032978 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 6.789802e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 7.781463e-05 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 3.310319e-03 6.915857e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 23 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 7.578172e-03 3.134340e+04 0.000000e+00 energy 4.916129e-02 6.919573e+00 4.916129e-04 displacement 4.546009e+00 5.307529e+00 1.785083e-05 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314959 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 25 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 0.423851 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.134340e+04 7.238315e+03 0.000000e+00 energy 6.919573e+00 5.352300e-01 6.919573e-02 displacement 4.546009e+00 3.326799e+00 2.567253e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314947 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.464906 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 27 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 0.506017 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.134340e+04 1.853575e+03 0.000000e+00 energy 6.919573e+00 1.258319e-01 6.919573e-02 displacement 4.546009e+00 1.877006e+00 2.821579e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314947 12 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.464906 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 2 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0357447 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.463416 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.463416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.416514 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.984107e-03 3.701635e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.530711e-02 1.111823e-02 4.530711e-04 displacement 4.189597e+00 7.268262e-01 7.268262e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315013 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.463416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.984107e-03 3.698964e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.530711e-02 1.087076e-02 4.530711e-04 displacement 4.189597e+00 2.249128e+00 5.305355e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.463416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.984107e-03 1.421607e+05 0.000000e+00 energy 4.530711e-02 2.807299e+01 4.530711e-04 displacement 4.189597e+00 7.706838e+00 9.120211e-06 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 4 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.463416 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 3 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0342554 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.461927 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.461927 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.430744 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.414288e-03 3.569043e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.161025e-02 9.994130e-03 4.161025e-04 displacement 3.847733e+00 7.139101e-01 7.139101e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315013 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.461927 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.414288e-03 2.417102e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.161025e-02 6.804796e-03 4.161025e-04 displacement 3.847733e+00 2.194165e+00 5.152393e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.461927 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.414288e-03 7.691201e+04 0.000000e+00 energy 4.161025e-02 1.778246e+01 4.161025e-04 displacement 3.847733e+00 6.385700e+00 1.510840e-05 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314965 4 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.461927 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 4 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.032766 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.460438 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.445939 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.868713e-03 3.430102e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.807069e-02 8.940162e-03 3.807069e-04 displacement 3.520416e+00 7.000771e-01 7.000771e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315001 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.868713e-03 1.691555e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.807069e-02 4.983523e-03 3.807069e-04 displacement 3.520416e+00 2.012769e+00 4.840882e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.195285 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.868713e-03 7.403208e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.807069e-02 4.551004e-04 3.807069e-04 displacement 3.520416e+00 2.977858e-02 5.280078e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.028937 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.868713e-03 4.924372e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.807069e-02 1.757260e-04 3.807069e-04 displacement 3.520416e+00 1.008203e-02 5.232897e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.048305 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.868713e-03 3.930388e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.807069e-02 2.028461e-04 3.807069e-04 displacement 3.520416e+00 7.344948e-03 5.368483e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 15 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.868713e-03 3.061025e+03 0.000000e+00 energy 3.807069e-02 5.443839e-01 3.807069e-04 displacement 3.520416e+00 2.555916e+00 1.316123e-05 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.460438 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.061025e+03 9.753870e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 5.443839e-01 2.785067e-02 5.443839e-03 displacement 3.520416e+00 6.411978e-01 1.342625e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314995 8 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.460438 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 5 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0312766 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.458948 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.462284 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 3.287230e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 8.062243e-03 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 6.854956e-01 6.854956e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 2.265419e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 1.214921e-02 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 1.723671e+00 4.217365e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.079361 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 1.841134e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 3.371844e-04 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 9.847705e-03 4.337047e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.129600 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 1.396830e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 5.956021e-04 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 7.343255e-03 4.457185e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.065458 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 1.458517e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 3.851808e-04 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 2.478920e-02 4.331372e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.493171 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 2.375037e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 2.636381e-04 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 1.088401e-01 5.160052e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.458948 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 17 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.347383e-03 1.000984e+05 0.000000e+00 energy 3.468845e-02 2.220995e+01 3.468845e-04 displacement 3.207647e+00 1.425944e+01 3.006985e-05 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314995 8 ************************************************************************* * ERROR * * Negative jacobian was detected. * ************************************************************************* ------- failed to converge at time : 0.458948 Retrying time step. Retry attempt 6 of max 25 AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0297873 ===== beginning time step 12 : 0.457459 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314971 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.479860 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 3.138660e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 7.315219e-03 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 6.699412e-01 6.699412e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 1.443708e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 8.067828e-03 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 1.553419e+00 3.944498e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.213830 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 8.781366e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 5.341241e-04 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 2.015374e-02 4.192678e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.065123 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 5.423019e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 1.658281e-04 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 9.192922e-03 4.169818e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.156713 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 3.743097e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 4.788846e-04 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 8.908284e-03 4.323404e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.066397 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 5.113220e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 3.097844e-04 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 5.286576e-02 3.846460e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 17 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 4.385452e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 5.843413e-04 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 3.757694e-02 4.038988e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 18 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 5.664929e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 1.899295e-05 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 1.021694e-01 3.712786e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 19 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 3.485761e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 1.264306e-05 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 5.548728e-02 3.792428e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 20 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 1.565178e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 4.648547e-06 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 7.540670e-03 3.829782e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 21 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 3.554838e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 3.295764e-07 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 2.317376e-03 3.844623e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 12 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 22 stiffness matrix reformations = 12 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 8.340966e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 1.506437e-08 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 1.015800e-04 3.848531e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #13 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 13 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 23 stiffness matrix reformations = 13 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 9.384315e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 5.583620e-10 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 3.945681e-06 3.849296e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #14 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 14 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.457459 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 24 stiffness matrix reformations = 14 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.850298e-03 2.834648e-13 0.000000e+00 energy 3.146351e-02 2.007491e-11 3.146351e-04 displacement 2.909426e+00 1.401372e-07 3.849440e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 14 number of reformations : 14 ------- converged at time : 0.457459 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 12 Time = 0.457458828 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(46%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0301457 ===== beginning time step 13 : 0.487605 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.490021 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 2.303364e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 3.943458e-03 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 5.799438e-01 5.799438e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 9.032950e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 3.170998e-04 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 4.458467e-01 1.895625e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.563292 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 1.935504e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 1.476902e-04 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 8.900371e-02 1.797342e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 2.575898e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 1.051887e-04 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 4.243625e-02 1.945777e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 1.372753e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 2.243298e-05 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 5.655989e-02 2.016627e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 4.153691e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 6.211465e-06 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 9.158309e-03 2.097028e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 2.560894e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 5.140028e-07 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 2.051080e-03 2.135940e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 3.633383e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 2.392205e-08 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 9.677880e-05 2.147264e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 3.252934e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 7.696083e-10 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 3.110283e-06 2.149433e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.487605 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.935436e-03 5.592490e-13 0.000000e+00 energy 2.600268e-02 2.184808e-11 2.600268e-04 displacement 2.415224e+00 8.669001e-08 2.149801e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 10 number of reformations : 10 ------- converged at time : 0.487605 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 13 Time = 0.487604562 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(49%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0321166 ===== beginning time step 14 : 0.519721 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 314983 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.562762 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 2.632534e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 7.176063e-03 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 6.794856e-01 6.794856e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 1.225146e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 1.617407e-03 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 1.080418e+00 2.903033e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 6.516283e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 1.153451e-03 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 4.410408e-02 2.887797e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 2.303248e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 3.383286e-04 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 4.015758e-01 3.043345e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 5.198466e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 3.103412e-05 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 7.188659e-02 3.227157e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 4.790416e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 9.086751e-06 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 1.692134e-02 3.407742e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 1.100892e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 9.309315e-07 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 5.049656e-03 3.507726e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 9.806766e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 6.600246e-08 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 2.558997e-04 3.536674e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 1.527133e-09 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 2.765888e-09 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 1.084767e-05 3.542718e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.519721 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.014944e-03 3.197152e-12 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060417e-02 1.026038e-10 2.060417e-04 displacement 2.145508e+00 3.848279e-07 3.543867e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 10 number of reformations : 10 ------- converged at time : 0.519721 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 14 Time = 0.519721148 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(52%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0336933 ===== beginning time step 15 : 0.553414 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315025 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.538892 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.954180e-03 2.989655e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.662707e-02 5.345992e-03 2.662707e-04 displacement 2.090303e+00 6.070328e-01 6.070328e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.954180e-03 3.863263e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.662707e-02 1.587093e-03 2.662707e-04 displacement 2.090303e+00 7.020849e-01 2.282359e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.500000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.954180e-03 2.332716e+03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.662707e-02 4.353506e-01 2.662707e-04 displacement 2.090303e+00 4.296467e+00 8.220209e-06 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed * ************************************************************************* Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 2.165368e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 5.298220e-03 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 7.120363e-02 7.852230e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.074370 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 1.040218e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 1.483403e-03 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 1.089671e-01 6.345105e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 0.064557 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 5.537165e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 3.995137e-04 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 1.056795e-02 6.011094e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 0.076339 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 2.897432e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 7.993131e-04 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 3.695150e-02 5.338061e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 18 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 0.407420 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 7.367054e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 1.313239e-03 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 1.601782e-01 4.089247e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 19 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 4.226683e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 7.465408e-04 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 1.208120e-01 3.414887e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 20 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 2.954710e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 3.911235e-04 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 3.793553e-01 2.451031e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 21 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 1.734936e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 1.858252e-04 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 8.477652e-02 2.371495e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 12 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 22 stiffness matrix reformations = 12 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 2.746042e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 1.193206e-04 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 9.800089e-02 2.371167e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #13 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 13 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 23 stiffness matrix reformations = 13 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 9.637631e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 3.471953e-05 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 3.476114e-02 2.515441e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #14 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 14 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 24 stiffness matrix reformations = 14 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 4.474477e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 7.290253e-06 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 8.380656e-03 2.608796e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #15 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 15 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 25 stiffness matrix reformations = 15 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 9.976113e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 8.020517e-07 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 1.099217e-03 2.656661e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #16 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 16 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 26 stiffness matrix reformations = 16 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 3.352934e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 5.107396e-08 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 5.332874e-05 2.672339e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #17 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 17 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.553414 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 27 stiffness matrix reformations = 17 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.332716e+03 5.789340e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 4.353506e-01 1.907011e-09 4.353506e-03 displacement 2.090303e+00 1.845587e-06 2.675670e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 17 number of reformations : 17 ------- converged at time : 0.553414 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 15 Time = 0.553414418 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(55%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: decreasing time step, dt = 0.0316736 ===== beginning time step 16 : 0.585088 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.547377 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 3.066111e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 3.423075e-03 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 6.773146e-01 6.773146e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 4.550582e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 3.671887e-03 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 7.105383e-01 2.122895e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.140520 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 2.660044e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 2.122573e-04 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 1.022369e-02 2.255535e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 0.191143 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 1.554349e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 3.186499e-04 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 5.231311e-03 2.334862e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 0.094679 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 1.563118e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 2.538608e-04 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 2.112381e-02 2.206305e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 6.908647e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 9.764677e-04 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 1.216787e-01 2.259080e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 4.790551e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 2.860975e-05 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 8.826583e-03 2.397990e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 5.036569e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 1.262977e-06 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 4.003042e-03 2.501196e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 14 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 2.406444e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 3.692947e-07 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 4.558575e-04 2.532264e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 15 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 4.375217e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 1.317882e-08 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 5.407728e-05 2.541565e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 11 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.585088 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 16 stiffness matrix reformations = 11 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.258059e-03 8.044741e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 2.902659e-02 4.597668e-10 2.902659e-04 displacement 2.260565e+00 1.265280e-06 2.543604e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 11 number of reformations : 11 ------- converged at time : 0.585088 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 16 Time = 0.585087998 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(59%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0330703 ===== beginning time step 17 : 0.618158 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315037 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.560634 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 2.374575e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 4.294814e-03 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 5.146821e-01 5.146821e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315079 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 3.112591e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 4.611778e-04 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 6.421125e-01 1.882161e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315061 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.446836 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 2.874035e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 2.230462e-04 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 6.763674e-02 1.775265e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315073 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 4.126414e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 1.188482e-04 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 2.837292e-02 1.995918e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315061 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 1.407048e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 5.182441e-05 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 6.336593e-02 2.255907e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315061 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 2.696642e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 1.434133e-05 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 2.186579e-02 2.445442e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315061 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 1.237627e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 2.376078e-06 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 5.678509e-03 2.550626e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315073 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 1.446784e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 1.897125e-07 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 7.197058e-04 2.590419e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315073 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 2.283772e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 1.289855e-08 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 4.775766e-05 2.601900e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315073 10 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.618158 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 13 stiffness matrix reformations = 10 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.471810e-03 6.085389e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 2.070754e-02 7.264506e-10 2.070754e-04 displacement 1.637495e+00 2.572094e-06 2.604605e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 10 number of reformations : 10 ------- converged at time : 0.618158 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 17 Time = 0.618158323 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(62%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0344563 ===== beginning time step 18 : 0.652615 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315073 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.569164 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 1.364057e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 1.767199e-03 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 3.192828e-01 3.192828e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 1.117779e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 7.991999e-04 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 9.293450e-01 1.508213e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 8.860053e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 1.482920e-04 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 1.654787e-02 1.674581e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 7.390249e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 3.308214e-05 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 1.660326e-01 2.375292e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 7.155413e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 2.967341e-05 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 2.353293e-02 2.689142e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 8.604103e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 6.797623e-06 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 1.288908e-02 2.955399e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 2.166766e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 6.657745e-07 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 1.610819e-03 3.056635e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 4.277612e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 2.870023e-08 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 9.045034e-05 3.083780e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.652615 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.938369e-03 2.460596e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 1.262259e-02 8.619571e-10 1.262259e-04 displacement 9.855984e-01 2.356794e-06 3.088541e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 9 number of reformations : 9 ------- converged at time : 0.652615 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 18 Time = 0.652614583 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(65%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.035565 ===== beginning time step 19 : 0.68818 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.590768 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 1.111270e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 1.265458e-03 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 2.470838e-01 2.470838e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 1.841415e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 1.798135e-04 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 4.543468e-01 9.900283e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 2.443210e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 2.862138e-04 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 5.441932e-02 1.119598e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 2.525205e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 2.400164e-05 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 2.001485e-02 1.290679e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 3.151520e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 2.797504e-06 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 5.028419e-03 1.375990e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 1.150773e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 1.545063e-07 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 2.693754e-04 1.401932e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 7.114905e-09 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 3.208020e-09 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 6.592958e-06 1.406478e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.68818 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.577312e-03 1.355198e-12 0.000000e+00 energy 9.936452e-03 3.760004e-11 9.936452e-05 displacement 7.079639e-01 7.688317e-08 1.407013e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 8 number of reformations : 8 ------- converged at time : 0.68818 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 19 Time = 0.68817959 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(69%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.036452 ===== beginning time step 20 : 0.724632 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.574825 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 1.031941e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.307935e-03 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 2.663109e-01 2.663109e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315121 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 3.659292e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 3.233844e-04 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 3.456098e-01 9.591622e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 0.132818 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 3.008269e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.230595e-04 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 1.186431e-02 9.392214e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 5.909542e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.608727e-05 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 3.251502e-02 1.095735e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 2.849773e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.539988e-05 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 1.669459e-02 1.239868e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 4.714121e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.278149e-06 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 5.228745e-03 1.290203e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 2.734011e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 7.392679e-08 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 2.263215e-04 1.304633e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 11 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 1.369618e-09 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.144037e-09 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 6.029546e-06 1.306755e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 9 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.724632 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 12 stiffness matrix reformations = 9 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372277e-03 1.843050e-13 0.000000e+00 energy 1.026895e-02 1.531228e-11 1.026895e-04 displacement 8.059678e-01 5.683970e-08 1.306972e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 9 number of reformations : 9 ------- converged at time : 0.724632 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 20 Time = 0.724631597 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(72%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0371616 ===== beginning time step 21 : 0.761793 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315091 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.605394 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 5.491779e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 5.092835e-04 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 1.801880e-01 1.801880e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 1.016085e+01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 1.226383e-03 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 7.184710e-01 9.407260e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 1.026827e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 1.022185e-04 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 1.180605e-02 1.062046e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 2.304177e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 7.009093e-07 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 3.562110e-02 1.359849e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 1.575974e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 5.514878e-06 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 3.275975e-03 1.454529e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 2.393171e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 3.755541e-07 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 1.155162e-03 1.510973e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 7.820450e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 1.158217e-08 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 3.725374e-05 1.523523e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.761793 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.729605e-04 2.159878e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 5.739610e-03 2.131704e-10 5.739610e-05 displacement 4.916434e-01 7.138921e-07 1.525336e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 8 number of reformations : 8 ------- converged at time : 0.761793 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 21 Time = 0.761793201 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(76%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0377293 ===== beginning time step 22 : 0.799522 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.619088 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 1.925308e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 2.109609e-04 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 1.261505e-01 1.261505e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315145 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 4.565041e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 3.975534e-04 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 4.702095e-01 3.633815e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 3.418568e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 4.209789e-05 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 6.681891e-03 4.382643e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 2.210502e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 9.275677e-07 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 1.066690e-02 5.328483e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 4.376372e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 1.474590e-07 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 2.198550e-04 5.505191e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 1.114756e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 2.223269e-09 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 9.153464e-06 5.537771e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799522 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.446212e-04 6.509393e-13 0.000000e+00 energy 3.065880e-03 2.592324e-11 3.065880e-05 displacement 3.291425e-01 8.218816e-08 5.541457e-07 convergence summary number of iterations : 7 number of reformations : 7 ------- converged at time : 0.799522 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 22 Time = 0.799522485 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(80%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0381834 ===== beginning time step 23 : 0.837706 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.606185 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 1.149652e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 3.077682e-04 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 1.119661e-01 1.119661e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 2.370116e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 4.590061e-05 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 2.433070e-01 1.911420e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 2.041365e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 2.978443e-05 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 7.819194e-03 2.436522e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 5.199001e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 1.424628e-06 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 3.008754e-03 2.790988e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 7.297330e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 4.030564e-08 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 6.304953e-05 2.852801e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 2.795061e-10 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 3.778994e-10 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 1.051075e-06 2.861049e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.837706 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.257341e-04 2.526369e-14 0.000000e+00 energy 2.311147e-03 2.838372e-12 2.311147e-05 displacement 3.047026e-01 8.583658e-09 2.861832e-07 convergence summary number of iterations : 7 number of reformations : 7 ------- converged at time : 0.837706 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 23 Time = 0.837705913 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(84%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0385467 ===== beginning time step 24 : 0.876253 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315133 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.553991 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 6.533264e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 3.977698e-04 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 9.858792e-02 9.858792e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 2.371150e+00 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 2.123791e-04 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 3.065592e-01 1.340872e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 9.423983e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 1.287393e-05 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 4.970695e-03 1.704347e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 7.544385e-04 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 5.703614e-07 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 9.671897e-04 1.912433e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 3.719536e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 1.182446e-08 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 2.932615e-05 1.952186e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 1.874999e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 2.368903e-10 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 7.134113e-07 1.958726e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.876253 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.451642e-04 5.324243e-14 0.000000e+00 energy 1.687031e-03 4.592536e-12 1.687031e-05 displacement 3.212318e-01 1.441361e-08 1.959657e-07 convergence summary number of iterations : 7 number of reformations : 7 ------- converged at time : 0.876253 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 24 Time = 0.876252654 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(88%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0388374 ===== beginning time step 25 : 0.91509 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.499020 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 6.758369e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 7.181996e-04 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 2.306871e-01 2.306871e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 6.536125e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 8.578294e-05 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 3.079466e-01 1.809985e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 1.199548e-02 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 2.168782e-05 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 8.388264e-03 3.603553e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 1.347311e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 1.200073e-06 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 1.419105e-03 4.837087e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 3.028539e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 1.957261e-08 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 4.637179e-05 5.095252e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 3.277719e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 1.999471e-10 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 7.956060e-07 5.130657e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91509 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.405541e-04 1.534655e-14 0.000000e+00 energy 2.034191e-03 2.012152e-12 2.034191e-05 displacement 9.263767e-01 8.480807e-09 5.134303e-08 convergence summary number of iterations : 7 number of reformations : 7 ------- converged at time : 0.91509 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 25 Time = 0.915090048 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(92%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0390699 ===== beginning time step 26 : 0.95416 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.503837 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 7.262306e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 6.504072e-04 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 2.304408e-01 2.304408e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 1.766826e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 9.313616e-05 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 2.012687e-01 3.313014e-09 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 9.433462e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 1.030833e-05 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 7.159139e-03 3.201138e-09 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 5.352371e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 3.612435e-07 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 5.254857e-04 5.665027e-09 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 1.431614e-08 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 3.882686e-09 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 1.453353e-05 6.188322e-09 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 7.543506e-13 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 3.753617e-11 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 1.646003e-07 6.246306e-09 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.95416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.393630e-04 1.911877e-15 0.000000e+00 energy 2.060397e-03 2.986532e-13 2.060397e-05 displacement 9.077755e-01 1.309404e-09 6.251476e-09 convergence summary number of iterations : 7 number of reformations : 7 ------- converged at time : 0.95416 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 26 Time = 0.954159962 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(95%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0392559 ===== beginning time step 27 : 0.993416 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.505367 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 7.580302e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 6.262617e-04 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 2.318268e-01 2.318268e-07 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 1.153972e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 8.444773e-05 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 1.531805e-01 9.507366e-09 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 7.729946e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 7.650415e-06 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 6.079282e-03 3.889439e-10 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 1.759745e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 2.199806e-07 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 3.203863e-04 1.257878e-11 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 4.387292e-09 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 2.244873e-09 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 7.974251e-06 1.204072e-11 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 3.024428e-13 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 2.163092e-11 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 8.976274e-08 1.311526e-11 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 1.108822e-15 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 1.741324e-13 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 7.221748e-10 1.322140e-11 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.993416 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.412206e-04 8.645307e-18 0.000000e+00 energy 2.095309e-03 1.370473e-15 2.095309e-05 displacement 9.077166e-01 5.678214e-12 1.323088e-11 convergence summary number of iterations : 8 number of reformations : 8 ------- converged at time : 0.993416 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 27 Time = 0.993415894 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(99%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0394047 MUST POINT CONTROLLER: adjusting time step. dt = 0.00658411 ===== beginning time step 28 : 1 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 0.630060 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 1.687311e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 2.347021e-05 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 1.062609e-02 1.062609e-08 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 1.031982e-03 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 2.104634e-06 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 8.678732e-03 9.892171e-11 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 5 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 2.006082e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 2.458944e-08 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 8.019419e-05 9.819203e-13 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 4 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 6 stiffness matrix reformations = 4 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 2.216502e-11 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 2.091587e-10 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 8.099874e-07 8.289959e-15 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 5 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 7 stiffness matrix reformations = 5 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 1.149555e-14 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 1.670150e-12 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 6.919902e-09 6.183101e-17 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 6 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 8 stiffness matrix reformations = 6 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 8.285381e-17 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 1.313586e-14 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 5.442488e-11 2.361454e-19 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 7 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 9 stiffness matrix reformations = 7 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 6.486957e-19 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 1.032822e-16 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 4.279169e-13 2.829313e-20 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 4351 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 315163 8 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 10 stiffness matrix reformations = 8 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.266843e-06 5.292859e-21 0.000000e+00 energy 6.437406e-05 8.120748e-19 6.437406e-07 displacement 2.676759e-02 3.364580e-15 5.117125e-20 ************************************************************************* * WARNING * * No force acting on the system. * ************************************************************************* convergence summary number of iterations : 8 number of reformations : 8 ------- converged at time : 1 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 28 Time = 1 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /mnt/data/MATLAB/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt ]0;(100%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 N O N L I N E A R I T E R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N Number of time steps completed .................... : 28 Total number of equilibrium iterations ............ : 237 Average number of equilibrium iterations .......... : 8.46429 Total number of right hand evaluations ............ : 342 Total number of stiffness reformations ............ : 237 L I N E A R S O L V E R S T A T S Total calls to linear solver ........ : 286 Avg iterations per solve ............ : 1 Time in linear solver: 0:00:20 Elapsed time : 0:00:33 N O R M A L T E R M I N A T I O N ]0;(100%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 * Log file found. 20-Apr-2023 18:02:21 # Parsing log file... 20-Apr-2023 18:02:21 number of iterations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.04 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.08 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.12 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.16 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.2 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 11 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 11 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.238462 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 13 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 13 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.275692 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.313128 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 12 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 12 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.351076 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 12 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 12 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.389267 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.427672 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 14 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 14 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.457459 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.487605 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.519721 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 17 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 17 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.553414 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 11 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 11 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.585088 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 10 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.618158 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 9 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 9 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.652615 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.68818 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 9 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 9 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.724632 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.761793 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.799522 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.837706 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.876253 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.91509 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 7 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.95416 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 0.993416 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of iterations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 number of reformations : 8 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 ------- converged at time : 1 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 Elapsed time : 0:00:33 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 N O R M A L T E R M I N A T I O N # Done 20-Apr-2023 18:02:22 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Import FEBio results
if 1%runFlag==1 %i.e. a succesful run
Importing nodal displacements from a log file
dataStruct=importFEBio_logfile(fullfile(savePath,febioLogFileName_disp),0,1); %Access data; %Displacement timeVec=dataStruct.time; %Time %Create deformed coordinate set V_DEF=N_disp_mat+repmat(V,[1 1 size(N_disp_mat,3)]);
Plotting the simulated results using anim8 to visualize and animate deformations
DN_magnitude=sqrt(sum(N_disp_mat(:,:,end).^2,2)); %Current displacement magnitude % Create basic view and store graphics handle to initiate animation hf=cFigure; hold on; gtitle([febioFebFileNamePart,': Press play to animate']); hp1=gpatch(Fb_blob_plot,V_DEF(:,:,end),DN_magnitude,'k',1); %Add graphics object to animate hp1.FaceColor='interp'; hp2=gpatch(F_probe_plot,V_DEF(:,:,end),'kw','none',0.5); %Add graphics object to animate % gpatch(Fb_all,V,0.5*ones(1,3),'none',0.25); %A static graphics object axisGeom(gca,fontSize); colormap(gjet(250)); colorbar; caxis([0 max(DN_magnitude(Fb_blob_plot(:)))]); caxis manual; axis(axisLim(V_DEF)); %Set axis limits statically camlight headlight; view(15,8); drawnow; % Set up animation features animStruct.Time=timeVec; %The time vector for qt=1:1:size(N_disp_mat,3) %Loop over time increments DN_magnitude=sqrt(sum(N_disp_mat(:,:,qt).^2,2)); %Current displacement magnitude %Set entries in animation structure animStruct.Handles{qt}=[hp1 hp1 hp2]; %Handles of objects to animate animStruct.Props{qt}={'Vertices','CData','Vertices'}; %Properties of objects to animate animStruct.Set{qt}={V_DEF(:,:,qt),DN_magnitude,V_DEF(:,:,qt)}; %Property values for to set in order to animate end anim8(hf,animStruct); %Initiate animation feature drawnow;

Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]
GIBBON footer text
GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.
Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Kevin Mattheus Moerman and the GIBBON contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see