% DEMO_febio_0084_kresling_unit_shell_03 % Below is a demonstration for: % % * Building geometry for a thin sheet kresling structure % * Define the sheet as shell elements % * Defining the boundary conditions % * Coding the febio structure % * Running the model % * Importing and visualizing the results
- febio_spec version 4.0
- febio, FEBio
- kresling
- displacement control, displacement boundary condition
- shell elements, tri3
- static, solid
- hyperelastic, Ogden
clear; close all; clc;
Plot settings
fontSize=20; faceAlpha1=0.8; %transparency markerSize=40; %For plotted points markerSize2=10; %For nodes on patches lineWidth1=1; %For meshes lineWidth2=2; %For boundary edges cMap=spectral(250); %colormap
Control parameters
%Geometry parameters np=6; %Number of points in the circle e.g. 6 r=20; %Inner radius of Kresling cylinder layerThickness=0.1; addMirrored=1; cornerBiteRadius=0; a=360/np; % Derive alpha b=a/2; %Set beta H=((a/180)*pi*r)/2*tand(60); %Height of Kresling layer %Mesh parameters pointSpacing=[]; tolLevel=layerThickness/100; %BC and load settings rigidTop=1; %Add a rigid body to the top to apply contraints to (avoids warping of top) constrainRigidTop=1; %Constrain in terms of rotation around z-axis appliedQuasiStrain=0.5; %Percentage height reduction if addMirrored==1 displacementMagnitude=-(appliedQuasiStrain.*(2.*H)); else displacementMagnitude=-(appliedQuasiStrain.*H); end %Material parameter set E_youngs1=1; %Material Young's modulus nu1=0.4; %Material Poisson's ratio % FEA control settings numTimeSteps=10; %Number of time steps desired max_refs=25; %Max reforms max_ups=0; %Set to zero to use full-Newton iterations opt_iter=10; %Optimum number of iterations max_retries=5; %Maximum number of retires dtmin=(1/numTimeSteps)/100; %Minimum time step size dtmax=(1/numTimeSteps); %Maximum time step size runMode='internal'; % Path names defaultFolder = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))); savePath=fullfile(defaultFolder,'data','temp'); % Defining file names febioFebFileNamePart='tempModel'; febioFebFileName=fullfile(savePath,[febioFebFileNamePart,'.feb']); %FEB file name febioLogFileName=[febioFebFileNamePart,'.txt']; %FEBio log file name febioLogFileName_disp=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_disp_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting displacement febioLogFileName_stress_prin=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_stress_prin_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting principal stress febioLogFileName_force=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_force_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting force
%Creating coordinates on circle t=linspace(0,a,2)'; %Coordinates x=r*cosd(t); y=r*sind(t); z=zeros(size(x)); V1=[x y z]; %Vertices nr=vecnormalize(V1(1,:)); %Create second layer as shifted up V2=V1; V2(:,3)=H; %Now rotate second later around Z axis R=euler2DCM([0 0 (b/180)*pi]); V2=V2*R; Vt1=[V1; V2(1,:)]; Vt2=[V2; V1(2,:)]; if ~isempty(pointSpacing)
if cornerBiteRadius>0 [Vt1]=biteCorner(Vt1,cornerBiteRadius); [Vt2]=biteCorner(Vt2,cornerBiteRadius); end Vt1=evenlySpaceCurve(Vt1,pointSpacing,'linear',1,1:1:size(Vt1,1)); Vt2=evenlySpaceCurve(Vt2,pointSpacing,'linear',1,1:1:size(Vt2,1));
cFigure; hold on; plotV(Vt1,'b.','markerSize',markerSize); plotV(Vt2,'r.','markerSize',markerSize); axisGeom; camlight headlight; gdrawnow;
%Defining a region and control parameters (See also |regionTriMesh2D|) resampleCurveOpt=0; interpMethod='linear'; %or 'natural' [Ft1,Vt1]=regionTriMesh3D({Vt1},pointSpacing,resampleCurveOpt,interpMethod); nm=mean(patchNormal(Ft1,Vt1),1); if dot(nm,nr)<0 Ft1=fliplr(Ft1); end [Ft2,Vt2]=regionTriMesh3D({Vt2},pointSpacing,resampleCurveOpt,interpMethod); nm=mean(patchNormal(Ft2,Vt2),1); if dot(nm,nr)<0 Ft2=fliplr(Ft2); end
else Ft1=[1 2 3]; Ft2=[1 2 3]; end FT1=repmat(Ft1,np,1); VT1=repmat(Vt1,np,1); CT1=zeros(size(FT1,1),1); FT2=repmat(Ft2,np,1); VT2=repmat(Vt2,np,1); CT2=zeros(size(FT2,1),1); for q=1:1:np Rt=euler2DCM([0 0 (q-1)*(a/180)*pi]); VT1(1+(q-1)*size(Vt1,1):size(Vt1,1)+(q-1)*size(Vt1,1),:)=Vt1*Rt; VT2(1+(q-1)*size(Vt2,1):size(Vt2,1)+(q-1)*size(Vt2,1),:)=Vt2*Rt; FT1(1+(q-1)*size(Ft1,1):size(Ft1,1)+(q-1)*size(Ft1,1),:)=Ft1+(q-1)*size(Vt1,1); FT2(1+(q-1)*size(Ft2,1):size(Ft2,1)+(q-1)*size(Ft2,1),:)=Ft2+(q-1)*size(Vt2,1); CT1(1+(q-1)*size(Ft1,1):size(Ft1,1)+(q-1)*size(Ft1,1),:)=q; CT2(1+(q-1)*size(Ft2,1):size(Ft2,1)+(q-1)*size(Ft2,1),:)=q+np; end % VT2=VT1*R; % VT2(:,3)=-VT2(:,3)+H; [F,V,C]=joinElementSets({FT1,FT2},{VT1,VT2},{CT1,CT2});
cFigure; hold on; % plotV(V1,'r.-','markerSize',markerSize,'LineWidth',lineWidth1); % plotV(V2,'g.-','markerSize',markerSize,'LineWidth',lineWidth1); % plotV(V,'b.','markerSize',markerSize); gpatch(F,V,C); % gpatch(Ft1,Vt1,'bw'); % gpatch(Ft2,Vt2,'rw'); % gpatch(FT1,VT1,'bw'); % gpatch(FT2,VT2,'rw'); % plotV(VT1,'b.','markerSize',markerSize); % plotV(VT2,'r.','markerSize',markerSize); % patchNormPlot(F,V); % plotV(V(indIni,:),'r.','markerSize',markerSize); axisGeom; camlight headlight; colormap(cMap); icolorbar; gdrawnow;

if addMirrored==1 V2=V; V2(:,3)=-V2(:,3); %Mirror by inverting F2=fliplr(F); %To fix inversion due to mirror [F,V,C]=joinElementSets({F,F2},{V,V2},{C,C+max(C(:))}); end [F,V]=mergeVertices(F,V);
cFigure; hold on; gpatch(F,V,C); patchNormPlot(F,V); axisGeom; camlight headlight; colormap(cMap); icolorbar; gdrawnow;

Ebf=patchBoundaryLabelEdges(F,V,C); %Boundary edges for visualization
Plotting meshed model
cFigure; hold on; title('The mesh','FontSize',fontSize); gpatch(F,V,C,'k',faceAlpha1); %Boundary faces gedge(Ebf,V,'k',4); colormap(cMap); icolorbar; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Defining the boundary conditions
Eb=patchBoundary(F); indBoundaryInner=unique(Eb); Z=V(:,3); logicTopEdges = all(Z(Eb)>(max(V(:,3))-tolLevel),2); logicBottomEdges = all(Z(Eb)<(min(V(:,3))+tolLevel),2); bcPrescribeList = unique(Eb(logicTopEdges,:)); bcFixList = unique(Eb(logicBottomEdges,:)); if rigidTop==1 %Add central point to list V=[V;mean(V(bcPrescribeList,:))]; F_rigid=[Eb(logicTopEdges,:) size(V,1)*ones(nnz(logicTopEdges),1)]; end
Visualizing boundary conditions. Markers plotted on the semi-transparent model denote the nodes in the various boundary condition lists.
hf=cFigure; title('Boundary conditions','FontSize',fontSize); xlabel('X','FontSize',fontSize); ylabel('Y','FontSize',fontSize); zlabel('Z','FontSize',fontSize); hold on; gpatch(F,V,'w','none',0.5); hl(1)=plotV(V(bcPrescribeList,:),'r.','MarkerSize',markerSize); hl(2)=plotV(V(bcFixList,:),'g.','MarkerSize',markerSize); if rigidTop==1 hl(3)=gpatch(F_rigid,V,'rw','r',0.5); legend(hl,{'Prescribed bc', 'Fixed bc','Rigid body'}); else legend(hl,{'Prescribed bc', 'Fixed bc'}); end axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Defining the FEBio input structure
See also febioStructTemplate and febioStruct2xml and the FEBio user manual.
%Get a template with default settings [febio_spec]=febioStructTemplate; %febio_spec version febio_spec.ATTR.version='4.0'; %Module section febio_spec.Module.ATTR.type='solid'; %Control section febio_spec.Control.analysis='STATIC'; febio_spec.Control.time_steps=numTimeSteps; febio_spec.Control.step_size=1/numTimeSteps; febio_spec.Control.solver.max_refs=max_refs; febio_spec.Control.solver.qn_method.max_ups=max_ups; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.dtmin=dtmin; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.dtmax=dtmax; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.max_retries=max_retries; febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.opt_iter=opt_iter; %Material section materialName1='Material1'; febio_spec.Material.material{1}; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.ATTR.type='neo-Hookean'; febio_spec.Material.material{1}; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.E=E_youngs1; febio_spec.Material.material{1}.v=nu1; if rigidTop==1 materialName2='Material2'; febio_spec.Material.material{2}; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.ATTR.type='rigid body'; febio_spec.Material.material{2}; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.density=1; febio_spec.Material.material{2}.center_of_mass=mean(V(bcPrescribeList,:),1); end % Mesh section % -> Nodes %%Area of interest febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1}'Object1'; %The node set name febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1},1))'; %The node id's febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1}.node.VAL=V; %The nodel coordinates % -> Elements partName1='Part1'; febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}; %Name of this part febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}.ATTR.type='tri3'; %Element type febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1},1))'; %Element id's febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}.elem.VAL=F; %The element matrix if rigidTop==1 partName2='Part2'; febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}; %Name of this part febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}.ATTR.type='tri3'; %Element type febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2},1)+(1:1:size(F_rigid,1))'; %Element id's febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}.elem.VAL=F_rigid; %The element matrix end % -> NodeSets nodeSetName1='bcPrescribeList1'; nodeSetName2='bcFixList2'; febio_spec.Mesh.NodeSet{1}; febio_spec.Mesh.NodeSet{1}.VAL=mrow(bcPrescribeList); febio_spec.Mesh.NodeSet{2}; febio_spec.Mesh.NodeSet{2}.VAL=mrow(bcFixList); %MeshDomains section febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{1}; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{1}.ATTR.mat=materialName1; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{1}.shell_thickness=layerThickness; if rigidTop==1 febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{2}; febio_spec.MeshDomains.ShellDomain{2}.ATTR.mat=materialName2; end %Boundary condition section if rigidTop==0 % -> Prescribe boundary conditions febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}'prescibed_displacement_z'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.type='prescribed displacement'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.node_set=nodeSetName1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.dof='z'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.value.VAL=displacementMagnitude; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.relative=0; % -> Fix boundary conditions febio_spec.Boundary.bc{2}'zero_displacement_xy'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{2}.ATTR.type='zero displacement'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{2}.ATTR.node_set=nodeSetName1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{2}.x_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{2}.y_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{2}.z_dof=0; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{3}'zero_displacement_xyz'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{3}.ATTR.type='zero displacement'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{3}.ATTR.node_set=nodeSetName2; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{3}.x_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{3}.y_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{3}.z_dof=1; elseif rigidTop==1 % -> Fix boundary conditions febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}'zero_displacement_xyz'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.type='zero displacement'; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.node_set=nodeSetName2; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.x_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.y_dof=1; febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.z_dof=1; %Rigid section % ->Rigid body fix boundary conditions febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}'RigidFix'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.ATTR.type='rigid_fixed'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.rb=2; if constrainRigidTop==1 febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rx_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Ry_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rz_dof=0; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Ru_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rv_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rw_dof=1; elseif constrainRigidTop==0 febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rx_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Ry_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rz_dof=0; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Ru_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rv_dof=1; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{1}.Rw_dof=0; end % ->Rigid body prescribe boundary conditions febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}'RigidPrescribe'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.ATTR.type='rigid_displacement'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.rb=2; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.dof='z'; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.value.VAL=displacementMagnitude; febio_spec.Rigid.rigid_bc{2}.relative=0; end %LoadData section % -> load_controller febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}'LC_1'; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}.ATTR.type='loadcurve'; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}.interpolate='LINEAR'; %febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}.extend='CONSTANT'; febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}[0 0; 1 1]; %Output section % -> log file febio_spec.Output.logfile.ATTR.file=febioLogFileName; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{1}.ATTR.file=febioLogFileName_disp; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{1}'ux;uy;uz'; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{1}.ATTR.delim=','; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{2}.ATTR.file=febioLogFileName_force; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{2}'Rx;Ry;Rz'; febio_spec.Output.logfile.node_data{2}.ATTR.delim=','; febio_spec.Output.logfile.element_data{1}.ATTR.file=febioLogFileName_stress_prin; febio_spec.Output.logfile.element_data{1}'s1;s2;s3'; febio_spec.Output.logfile.element_data{1}.ATTR.delim=','; % Plotfile section febio_spec.Output.plotfile.compression=0;
Quick viewing of the FEBio input file structure
The febView function can be used to view the xml structure in a MATLAB figure window.
%%|febView(febio_spec); %Viewing the febio file|
Exporting the FEBio input file
Exporting the febio_spec structure to an FEBio input file is done using the febioStruct2xml function.
febioStruct2xml(febio_spec,febioFebFileName); %Exporting to file and domNode %system(['gedit ',febioFebFileName,' &']);
Running the FEBio analysis
To run the analysis defined by the created FEBio input file the runMonitorFEBio function is used. The input for this function is a structure defining job settings e.g. the FEBio input file name. The optional output runFlag informs the user if the analysis was run succesfully.
febioAnalysis.run_filename=febioFebFileName; %The input file name febioAnalysis.run_logname=febioLogFileName; %The name for the log file febioAnalysis.disp_on=1; %Display information on the command window febioAnalysis.runMode=runMode; febioAnalysis.maxLogCheckTime=10; %Max log file checking time [runFlag]=runMonitorFEBio(febioAnalysis);%START FEBio NOW!!!!!!!!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --------> RUNNING/MONITORING FEBIO JOB <-------- 04-May-2023 18:02:31 FEBio path: /home/kevin/FEBioStudio/bin/febio4 # Attempt removal of existing log files 04-May-2023 18:02:31 * Removal succesful 04-May-2023 18:02:31 # Attempt removal of existing .xplt files 04-May-2023 18:02:31 * Removal succesful 04-May-2023 18:02:31 # Starting FEBio... 04-May-2023 18:02:31 Max. total analysis time is: Inf s =========================================================================== ________ _________ _______ __ _________ | |\ | |\ | \\ | |\ / \\ | ____|| | ____|| | __ || |__|| | ___ || | |\___\| | |\___\| | |\_| || \_\| | // \ || | ||__ | ||__ | ||_| || | |\ | || | || | |\ | |\ | \\ | || | || | || | ___|| | ___|| | ___ || | || | || | || | |\__\| | |\__\| | |\__| || | || | || | || | || | ||___ | ||__| || | || | \\__/ || | || | |\ | || | || | || |___|| |________|| |_________// |__|| \_________// F I N I T E E L E M E N T S F O R B I O M E C H A N I C S version 4.1.0 FEBio is a registered trademark. copyright (c) 2006-2023 - All rights reserved =========================================================================== Default linear solver: pardiso Success loading plugin (version 1.0.0) Success loading plugin (version 2.0.0) Reading file /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel.feb ...SUCCESS! Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 0 Time = 0 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 0 Time = 0 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 0 Time = 0 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ************************************************************************* * Selecting linear solver pardiso * ************************************************************************* ===== beginning time step 1 : 0.1 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 ===== reforming stiffness matrix: Nr of equations ........................... : 55 Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 685 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.943696e+03 5.538001e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.094707e-01 5.210225e-03 5.094707e-03 displacement 8.998973e+00 8.998973e+00 8.998973e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.943696e+03 1.989142e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 5.094707e-01 7.617024e-09 5.094707e-03 displacement 8.998973e+00 1.572562e-03 9.107423e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 2.943696e+03 5.229485e-21 0.000000e+00 energy 5.094707e-01 1.713912e-18 5.094707e-03 displacement 8.998973e+00 2.197164e-10 9.107467e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.1 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 1 Time = 0.1 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 1 Time = 0.1 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 1 Time = 0.1 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(10%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 2 : 0.2 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.374955e+03 5.834285e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 5.566540e-01 5.871848e-03 5.566540e-03 displacement 9.222844e+00 9.222844e+00 9.222844e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.374955e+03 3.031816e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 5.566540e-01 5.070255e-09 5.566540e-03 displacement 9.222844e+00 1.827290e-03 9.349765e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.374955e+03 1.841093e-20 0.000000e+00 energy 5.566540e-01 3.363068e-18 5.566540e-03 displacement 9.222844e+00 2.223425e-10 9.349824e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.2 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 2 Time = 0.2 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 2 Time = 0.2 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 2 Time = 0.2 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(20%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 3 : 0.3 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.3 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.921256e+03 6.162905e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 6.107498e-01 6.614192e-03 6.107498e-03 displacement 9.485068e+00 9.485068e+00 9.485068e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.3 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.921256e+03 4.608042e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 6.107498e-01 5.010060e-09 6.107498e-03 displacement 9.485068e+00 2.119215e-03 9.634363e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.3 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 3.921256e+03 7.188399e-20 0.000000e+00 energy 6.107498e-01 1.410257e-17 6.107498e-03 displacement 9.485068e+00 2.653088e-10 9.634449e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.3 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 3 Time = 0.3 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 3 Time = 0.3 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 3 Time = 0.3 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(30%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 4 : 0.4 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.622639e+03 6.536371e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 6.729633e-01 7.443813e-03 6.729633e-03 displacement 9.793828e+00 9.793828e+00 9.793828e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.622639e+03 6.951590e-07 0.000000e+00 energy 6.729633e-01 2.906211e-08 6.729633e-03 displacement 9.793828e+00 2.454579e-03 9.970478e-06 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 4.622639e+03 2.659291e-19 0.000000e+00 energy 6.729633e-01 1.753547e-17 6.729633e-03 displacement 9.793828e+00 4.506876e-10 9.970608e-06 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.4 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 4 Time = 0.4 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 4 Time = 0.4 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 4 Time = 0.4 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(40%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 5 : 0.5 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.5 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.536188e+03 6.969143e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 7.447562e-01 8.368009e-03 7.447562e-03 displacement 1.015958e+01 1.015958e+01 1.015958e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.5 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.536188e+03 1.040566e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 7.447562e-01 7.748753e-08 7.447562e-03 displacement 1.015958e+01 2.843350e-03 1.036998e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.5 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 5.536188e+03 1.002714e-18 0.000000e+00 energy 7.447562e-01 5.450684e-17 7.447562e-03 displacement 1.015958e+01 1.027928e-09 1.037018e-05 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.5 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 5 Time = 0.5 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 5 Time = 0.5 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 5 Time = 0.5 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(50%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 6 : 0.6 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.6 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.744750e+03 7.473775e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 8.279227e-01 9.395682e-03 8.279227e-03 displacement 1.059578e+01 1.059578e+01 1.059578e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.6 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.744750e+03 1.550421e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 8.279227e-01 1.662448e-07 8.279227e-03 displacement 1.059578e+01 3.302243e-03 1.084817e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.6 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 6.744750e+03 3.928377e-18 0.000000e+00 energy 8.279227e-01 4.368440e-16 8.279227e-03 displacement 1.059578e+01 2.555303e-09 1.084849e-05 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.6 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 6 Time = 0.6 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 6 Time = 0.6 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 6 Time = 0.6 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(60%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 7 : 0.7 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.7 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.370950e+03 8.052368e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 9.246938e-01 1.053807e-02 9.246938e-03 displacement 1.111978e+01 1.111978e+01 1.111978e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.7 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.370950e+03 2.319407e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 9.246938e-01 3.178180e-07 9.246938e-03 displacement 1.111978e+01 3.859493e-03 1.142474e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.7 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 8.370950e+03 1.407997e-17 0.000000e+00 energy 9.246938e-01 1.769113e-15 9.246938e-03 displacement 1.111978e+01 6.172170e-09 1.142524e-05 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.7 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 7 Time = 0.7 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 7 Time = 0.7 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 7 Time = 0.7 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(70%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 8 : 0.8 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.8 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.060031e+04 8.682364e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.037881e+00 1.180843e-02 1.037881e-02 displacement 1.175383e+01 1.175383e+01 1.175383e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.8 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.060031e+04 3.575819e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 1.037881e+00 5.590549e-07 1.037881e-02 displacement 1.175383e+01 4.562757e-03 1.212468e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.8 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.060031e+04 4.383270e-17 0.000000e+00 energy 1.037881e+00 5.489659e-15 1.037881e-02 displacement 1.175383e+01 1.392574e-08 1.212546e-05 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.8 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 8 Time = 0.8 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 8 Time = 0.8 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 8 Time = 0.8 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(80%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 9 : 0.9 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.9 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372040e+04 9.302760e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.171063e+00 1.322014e-02 1.171063e-02 displacement 1.252587e+01 1.252587e+01 1.252587e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.9 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372040e+04 6.143430e-06 0.000000e+00 energy 1.171063e+00 9.111227e-07 1.171063e-02 displacement 1.252587e+01 5.494376e-03 1.297880e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.9 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.372040e+04 1.198612e-16 0.000000e+00 energy 1.171063e+00 1.419520e-14 1.171063e-02 displacement 1.252587e+01 2.880730e-08 1.297996e-05 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 0.9 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 9 Time = 0.9 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 9 Time = 0.9 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 9 Time = 0.9 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(90%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 ===== beginning time step 10 : 1 ===== Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1 1 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 2 stiffness matrix reformations = 1 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.818905e+04 9.831363e-01 0.000000e+00 energy 1.328833e+00 1.478829e-02 1.328833e-02 displacement 1.346954e+01 1.346954e+01 1.346954e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2 2 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 3 stiffness matrix reformations = 2 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.818905e+04 1.366699e-05 0.000000e+00 energy 1.328833e+00 1.368187e-06 1.328833e-02 displacement 1.346954e+01 6.806584e-03 1.402304e-05 Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3 3 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1 stiffness updates = 0 right hand side evaluations = 4 stiffness matrix reformations = 3 step from line search = 1.000000 convergence norms : INITIAL CURRENT REQUIRED residual 1.818905e+04 3.181405e-16 0.000000e+00 energy 1.328833e+00 3.159717e-14 1.328833e-02 displacement 1.346954e+01 5.374482e-08 1.402472e-05 convergence summary number of iterations : 3 number of reformations : 3 ------- converged at time : 1 Data Record #1 =========================================================================== Step = 10 Time = 1 Data = ux;uy;uz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt Data Record #2 =========================================================================== Step = 10 Time = 1 Data = Rx;Ry;Rz File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_force_out.txt Data Record #3 =========================================================================== Step = 10 Time = 1 Data = s1;s2;s3 File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt ]0;(100%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 N O N L I N E A R I T E R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N Number of time steps completed .................... : 10 Total number of equilibrium iterations ............ : 30 Average number of equilibrium iterations .......... : 3 Total number of right hand evaluations ............ : 40 Total number of stiffness reformations ............ : 30 L I N E A R S O L V E R S T A T S Total calls to linear solver ........ : 30 Avg iterations per solve ............ : 1 Time in linear solver: 0:00:00 Elapsed time : 0:00:00 N O R M A L T E R M I N A T I O N ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0 * Log file found. 04-May-2023 18:02:31 # Parsing log file... 04-May-2023 18:02:31 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.1 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.2 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.4 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.5 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.6 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.7 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.8 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 0.9 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of iterations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 number of reformations : 3 04-May-2023 18:02:32 ------- converged at time : 1 04-May-2023 18:02:32 Elapsed time : 0:00:00 04-May-2023 18:02:32 N O R M A L T E R M I N A T I O N # Done 04-May-2023 18:02:32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Import FEBio results
if runFlag==1 %i.e. a succesful run
% Importing nodal displacements from a log file dataStruct=importFEBio_logfile(fullfile(savePath,febioLogFileName_disp),0,1); %Access data; %Displacement timeVec=dataStruct.time; %Time %Create deformed coordinate set V_DEF=N_disp_mat+repmat(V,[1 1 size(N_disp_mat,3)]);
Importing element stress from a log file
dataStruct=importFEBio_logfile(fullfile(savePath,febioLogFileName_stress_prin),0,1); %Access data; E_stress_mat_VM=sqrt(( (E_stress_mat(:,1,:)-E_stress_mat(:,2,:)).^2 + ... (E_stress_mat(:,2,:)-E_stress_mat(:,3,:)).^2 + ... (E_stress_mat(:,1,:)-E_stress_mat(:,3,:)).^2 )/2); %Von Mises stress
Plotting the simulated results using anim8 to visualize and animate deformations
[CV]=faceToVertexMeasure(F,V,E_stress_mat_VM(:,:,end)); % Create basic view and store graphics handle to initiate animation hf=cFigure; %Open figure /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020a/bin/glnxa64/jcef_helper: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: g_ptr_array_copy gtitle([febioFebFileNamePart,': Press play to animate']); title('$\sigma_{vm}$ [MPa]','Interpreter','Latex') hp1=gpatch(F,V_DEF(:,:,end),CV,'none',1,lineWidth1); %Add graphics object to animate hp1.FaceColor='interp'; hp2=gedge(Ebf,V_DEF(:,:,end),'k',lineWidth2); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); colormap(cMap); colorbar; caxis([min(E_stress_mat_VM(:)) max(E_stress_mat_VM(:))/2]); axis(axisLim(V_DEF)); %Set axis limits statically view(140,30); camlight headlight; % Set up animation features animStruct.Time=timeVec; %The time vector for qt=1:1:size(N_disp_mat,3) %Loop over time increments [CV]=faceToVertexMeasure(F,V,E_stress_mat_VM(:,:,qt)); %Set entries in animation structure animStruct.Handles{qt}=[hp1 hp1 hp2]; %Handles of objects to animate animStruct.Props{qt}={'Vertices','CData','Vertices'}; %Properties of objects to animate animStruct.Set{qt}={V_DEF(:,:,qt),CV,V_DEF(:,:,qt)}; %Property values for to set in order to animate end anim8(hf,animStruct); %Initiate animation feature drawnow;

function [Vt1]=biteCorner(Vt1,cornerBiteRadius) Et1=[1 2; 2 3; 3 1]; VEt1_1=Vt1(Et1(:,1),:); VEt1_2=Vt1(Et1(:,2),:); VEt1=patchCentre(Et1,Vt1); Ut1_1m=cornerBiteRadius.*vecnormalize(VEt1-VEt1_1); Ut1_2m=cornerBiteRadius.*vecnormalize(VEt1-VEt1_2); Pt1_1m=VEt1_1+Ut1_1m; Pt1_2m=VEt1_2+Ut1_2m; Vt1=[Pt1_1m;Pt1_2m]; Ft1=[1 4 2 5 3 6]; Vt1=Vt1(Ft1,:); end