Below is a basic demonstration of the features of the patchExtend function.
This function extends the input surface geometry allong the edges Eb using the local (or averaged) surface direction at these edges.
The input consists of: the input surface (patch) data, defined by the faces F and vertices V, the boundary edges Eb to extend the surface over, and an optionStruct structure containing all remaining and optional inputs.
The input structure may contain the following fields:
optionStruct.extendDistance -> %The distance to extend the surface by
optionStruct.numSteps -> The number of steps to use in the extension direction, default is the distance divided by the average edge length.
optionStruct.plotOn -> option to turn on/off plotting, default is 0
optionStruct.meshType -> the mesh type ('tri' or 'quad'), default is 'tri'.
optionStruct.globalDirection -> the global (should be seen as mean) direction for extension, default is empty ([]) and is instead based on the input mesh directions
optionStruct.extendMethod=1; %Method to use for extruding (see below), default is 1.
Five extend methods have been implemented (default is 1):
extendMethod=1 -> Equal offset allong local direction extendMethod=2 -> Equal offset wrst mean direction allong local direction extendMethod=3 -> Varying offset allong local ending planar wrt mean direction extendMethod=4 -> Equal offset allong mean direction extendMethod=5 -> Equal offset allong mean direction ending planar wrt mean direction
clear; close all; clc;
Example 1; Extending a surface
A reasonably complicated example is formed by creating a surface with a non-planar boundary edge. This example serves to highlight the various options and potential issues that might arrize from "convergent" edge vectors.
The example here creates a warped cylindrical surface. The surface is warped by creating a spatialy varying scalling in the X-direction and a distortion in the Z-direction.
% Defining a cylinder inputStruct.cylRadius=1; inputStruct.numRadial=25; inputStruct.cylHeight=4; inputStruct.numHeight=11; inputStruct.meshType='quad'; [F,V]=patchcylinder(inputStruct); % Derive patch data for a cylinder %Adjust shape of the cylinder in X-direction w=V(:,3); w=w-min(w(:)); w=w./max(w(:)); %Weight to use for warping w=(3*w+1); %Linear scale V(:,1)=V(:,1).*w; %Warp in X-direction %Adjust shape in the Z-direction w=V(:,1); w=w-min(w(:)); w=w./max(w(:)); %Weight to use for warping w=w*2*pi; %Metric to use in warping V(:,3)=V(:,3)+0.6*sin(w); %Warp in Z-direction
Getting surface top boundary edges
Eb=patchBoundary(F,V); %All boundary edges (including bottom) VE=patchCentre(Eb,V); %Edge centre coordinates logicTop=VE(:,3)>0; %Logic for top edges (Z-coordinate above 0) Eb=Eb(logicTop,:); %Set of edges at the top
Extending the surface. The
% Defing input parameters optionStruct.numSteps=[]; optionStruct.plotOn=1; optionStruct.meshType=[]; optionStruct.globalDirection=[]; optionStruct.extendDistance=1.5; %Extend distance optionStruct.extendMethod=1; %Method to use for extruding [Fn,Vn]=patchExtend(F,V,Eb,optionStruct);

Using different extend methods
The loop below is for each method available.
optionStruct.numSteps=[]; optionStruct.plotOn=0; optionStruct.meshType=[]; optionStruct.globalDirection=[]; optionStruct.extendDistance=1.5; %Extend distance cFigure; for q=1:1:5 optionStruct.extendMethod=q; %Method to use for extruding [Fn,Vn]=patchExtend(F,V,Eb,optionStruct); subplot(2,3,q); hold on; title(['Extend method ',num2str(q)]); gpatch(F,V,'w','k',1); gpatch(Fn,Vn,'bw','k',1); axisGeom; camlight headlight; end drawnow;

Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]
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GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.
Copyright (C) 2019 Kevin Mattheus Moerman
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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