Below is a demonstration of the features of the patchPathAngles function
clear; close all; clc;
The patchPathAngles function computes the angles between adjacent edges on a curve on a patch.
Example 1: Get angles on a closed path defined on the the boundary of a patch
Create test data set
w=1; [X,Y]=ndgrid(linspace(0,w,15)); Z=ones(size(X)); C=tril(Z); [F,V,C]=surf2patch(X,Y,Z,C); C=vertexToFaceMeasure(F,C)>0; logicKeep=C>0; F=F(logicKeep,:); C=C(logicKeep,:); [F,V]=patchCleanUnused(F,V);
Get boundary curve
indBoundaryCurve=indBoundaryCurve(1:end-1)'; %Start=End for closed curve so remove double entry
Calculate mesh path angles
isClosedPath=1; [A]=patchPathAngles(F,V,indBoundaryCurve,isClosedPath);
A=180*(A./pi); % Conver to degrees % Display unique angles in set unique(A)
ans = 90 180 270
cFigure; hold on; gpatch(F,V,'kw'); plotV(V(indBoundaryCurve,:),'k-','LineWidth',3); scatterV(V(indBoundaryCurve,:),75,A,'filled'); colormap gjet; colorbar; caxis([0 360]); axisGeom; view(2); drawnow;

Example 2: Study angles for altered shape
Calculate mesh path angles
isClosedPath=1; [A]=patchPathAngles(F,V,indBoundaryCurve,isClosedPath);
A=180*(A./pi); % Conver to degrees % Display unique angles in set unique(A)
ans = 45 180 225 315
cFigure; hold on; gpatch(F,V,'kw'); plotV(V(indBoundaryCurve,:),'k-','LineWidth',3); scatterV(V(indBoundaryCurve,:),75,A,'filled'); colormap gjet; colorbar; caxis([0 360]); axisGeom; view(2); drawnow;

Example 3: Get angles on a non-closed path defined on the the boundary of a patch
Create path segment
Calculate mesh path angles
isClosedPath=0; [A]=patchPathAngles(F,V,indBoundaryCurve,isClosedPath);
A=180*(A./pi); % Conver to degrees % Display unique angles in set unique(A(~isnan(A)))
ans = 45 180 225 315
cFigure; hold on; gpatch(F,V,'kw'); plotV(V(indBoundaryCurve,:),'k-','LineWidth',3); scatterV(V(indBoundaryCurve,:),75,A,'filled'); colormap gjet; colorbar; caxis([0 360]); axisGeom; view(2); drawnow;

Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]
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GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.
Copyright (C) 2019 Kevin Mattheus Moerman
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