
Below is a demonstration of the features of the pointSetPrincipalDir function


clear; close all; clc;





Plot settings


Using pointSetPrincipalDir to determine main directions of a point cloud

Simulating an ellipsoid with known directions

% Ellipsoid axis stretch factors
ellipStretchTrue=[pi 2 1]

% Create ellipsoid patch data


%Create Euler angles to set directions
E=[-0.25*pi 0.25*pi 0.25*pi];
[R_true,~]=euler2DCM(E); %The true directions for X, Y and Z axis
V=(R_true*V')'; %Rotate polyhedron
ellipStretchTrue =

    3.1416    2.0000    1.0000

This is the true axis system

R_true =

    0.5000   -0.5000    0.7071
    0.1464    0.8536    0.5000
   -0.8536   -0.1464    0.5000

Determine principal directions of the point set (in this case an ellipsoidal polyhedron).

R_fit =

    0.5000   -0.5000    0.7071
    0.1464    0.8536    0.5000
   -0.8536   -0.1464    0.5000

Visualizing results

cFigure; hold on;
gtitle('The polyhedron with true (transparant) and determined (solid) axis directions',fontSize);
legend([hl1 hl2],{'True directions','Fitted directions'});

Output of the singular value decomposition data data

R_fit =

    0.5000   -0.5000    0.7071
    0.1464    0.8536    0.5000
   -0.8536   -0.1464    0.5000

S =

   45.9575         0         0
         0   29.2575         0
         0         0   14.6287

U =

    0.0000   -0.0359   -0.0581
   -0.0000   -0.0359    0.0581
    0.0000    0.0359    0.0581
   -0.0000    0.0359   -0.0581
   -0.0359   -0.0581   -0.0000
   -0.0359    0.0581    0.0000
    0.0359    0.0581    0.0000
    0.0359   -0.0581   -0.0000
   -0.0581    0.0000   -0.0359
    0.0581    0.0000   -0.0359
    0.0581   -0.0000    0.0359
   -0.0581   -0.0000    0.0359
    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0684
   -0.0211   -0.0553   -0.0342
    0.0211   -0.0553   -0.0342
   -0.0342   -0.0211   -0.0553
    0.0342   -0.0211   -0.0553
    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0684
   -0.0211   -0.0553    0.0342
    0.0211   -0.0553    0.0342
    0.0342   -0.0211    0.0553
   -0.0342   -0.0211    0.0553
   -0.0211    0.0553    0.0342
    0.0211    0.0553    0.0342
    0.0342    0.0211    0.0553
   -0.0342    0.0211    0.0553
   -0.0211    0.0553   -0.0342
    0.0211    0.0553   -0.0342
   -0.0342    0.0211   -0.0553
    0.0342    0.0211   -0.0553
   -0.0000   -0.0684   -0.0000
   -0.0553   -0.0342   -0.0211
   -0.0553   -0.0342    0.0211
   -0.0000    0.0684    0.0000
   -0.0553    0.0342   -0.0211
   -0.0553    0.0342    0.0211
    0.0553    0.0342   -0.0211
    0.0553    0.0342    0.0211
    0.0553   -0.0342   -0.0211
    0.0553   -0.0342    0.0211
   -0.0684    0.0000   -0.0000
    0.0684   -0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000   -0.0187   -0.0658
   -0.0110   -0.0474   -0.0480
    0.0110   -0.0474   -0.0480
   -0.0178   -0.0297   -0.0590
    0.0178   -0.0297   -0.0590
    0.0000   -0.0187    0.0658
   -0.0110   -0.0474    0.0480
    0.0110   -0.0474    0.0480
    0.0178   -0.0297    0.0590
   -0.0178   -0.0297    0.0590
    0.0000    0.0187    0.0658
   -0.0110    0.0474    0.0480
    0.0110    0.0474    0.0480
    0.0178    0.0297    0.0590
   -0.0178    0.0297    0.0590
   -0.0000    0.0187   -0.0658
   -0.0110    0.0474   -0.0480
    0.0110    0.0474   -0.0480
   -0.0178    0.0297   -0.0590
    0.0178    0.0297   -0.0590
   -0.0297   -0.0590   -0.0178
   -0.0297   -0.0590    0.0178
   -0.0187   -0.0658   -0.0000
   -0.0474   -0.0480   -0.0110
   -0.0474   -0.0480    0.0110
   -0.0297    0.0590    0.0178
   -0.0297    0.0590   -0.0178
   -0.0187    0.0658    0.0000
   -0.0474    0.0480   -0.0110
   -0.0474    0.0480    0.0110
    0.0297    0.0590    0.0178
    0.0297    0.0590   -0.0178
    0.0187    0.0658    0.0000
    0.0474    0.0480   -0.0110
    0.0474    0.0480    0.0110
    0.0297   -0.0590   -0.0178
    0.0297   -0.0590    0.0178
    0.0187   -0.0658   -0.0000
    0.0474   -0.0480   -0.0110
    0.0474   -0.0480    0.0110
   -0.0480   -0.0110   -0.0474
   -0.0480    0.0110   -0.0474
   -0.0590   -0.0178   -0.0297
   -0.0590    0.0178   -0.0297
   -0.0658    0.0000   -0.0187
    0.0480   -0.0110   -0.0474
    0.0480    0.0110   -0.0474
    0.0590    0.0178   -0.0297
    0.0590   -0.0178   -0.0297
    0.0658   -0.0000   -0.0187
    0.0480   -0.0110    0.0474
    0.0480    0.0110    0.0474
    0.0590    0.0178    0.0297
    0.0590   -0.0178    0.0297
    0.0658   -0.0000    0.0187
   -0.0480   -0.0110    0.0474
   -0.0480    0.0110    0.0474
   -0.0590   -0.0178    0.0297
   -0.0590    0.0178    0.0297
   -0.0658    0.0000    0.0187
   -0.0180   -0.0111   -0.0650
    0.0180   -0.0111   -0.0650
   -0.0180    0.0111   -0.0650
    0.0180    0.0111   -0.0650
   -0.0000   -0.0581   -0.0359
   -0.0291   -0.0402   -0.0470
   -0.0111   -0.0650   -0.0180
   -0.0402   -0.0470   -0.0291
    0.0291   -0.0402   -0.0470
    0.0111   -0.0650   -0.0180
    0.0402   -0.0470   -0.0291
   -0.0359    0.0000   -0.0581
   -0.0470   -0.0291   -0.0402
    0.0359    0.0000   -0.0581
    0.0470   -0.0291   -0.0402
    0.0180   -0.0111    0.0650
   -0.0180   -0.0111    0.0650
    0.0180    0.0111    0.0650
   -0.0180    0.0111    0.0650
    0.0000   -0.0581    0.0359
   -0.0291   -0.0402    0.0470
   -0.0111   -0.0650    0.0180
   -0.0402   -0.0470    0.0291
    0.0291   -0.0402    0.0470
    0.0111   -0.0650    0.0180
    0.0402   -0.0470    0.0291
    0.0359   -0.0000    0.0581
    0.0470   -0.0291    0.0402
   -0.0359   -0.0000    0.0581
   -0.0470   -0.0291    0.0402
    0.0000    0.0581    0.0359
   -0.0291    0.0402    0.0470
   -0.0111    0.0650    0.0180
   -0.0402    0.0470    0.0291
    0.0291    0.0402    0.0470
    0.0111    0.0650    0.0180
    0.0402    0.0470    0.0291
    0.0470    0.0291    0.0402
   -0.0470    0.0291    0.0402
   -0.0000    0.0581   -0.0359
   -0.0291    0.0402   -0.0470
   -0.0111    0.0650   -0.0180
   -0.0402    0.0470   -0.0291
    0.0291    0.0402   -0.0470
    0.0111    0.0650   -0.0180
    0.0402    0.0470   -0.0291
   -0.0470    0.0291   -0.0402
    0.0470    0.0291   -0.0402
   -0.0581   -0.0359    0.0000
   -0.0650   -0.0180   -0.0111
   -0.0650   -0.0180    0.0111
   -0.0581    0.0359   -0.0000
   -0.0650    0.0180   -0.0111
   -0.0650    0.0180    0.0111
    0.0581    0.0359    0.0000
    0.0650    0.0180   -0.0111
    0.0650    0.0180    0.0111
    0.0581   -0.0359    0.0000
    0.0650   -0.0180   -0.0111
    0.0650   -0.0180    0.0111
   -0.0000   -0.0276   -0.0626
   -0.0055   -0.0421   -0.0536
    0.0055   -0.0421   -0.0536
   -0.0090   -0.0331   -0.0591
    0.0090   -0.0331   -0.0591
    0.0000   -0.0276    0.0626
   -0.0055   -0.0421    0.0536
    0.0055   -0.0421    0.0536
    0.0090   -0.0331    0.0591
   -0.0090   -0.0331    0.0591
    0.0000    0.0276    0.0626
   -0.0055    0.0421    0.0536
    0.0055    0.0421    0.0536
    0.0090    0.0331    0.0591
   -0.0090    0.0331    0.0591
    0.0000    0.0276   -0.0626
   -0.0055    0.0421   -0.0536
    0.0055    0.0421   -0.0536
   -0.0090    0.0331   -0.0591
    0.0090    0.0331   -0.0591
   -0.0331   -0.0591   -0.0090
   -0.0331   -0.0591    0.0090
   -0.0276   -0.0626   -0.0000
   -0.0421   -0.0536   -0.0055
   -0.0421   -0.0536    0.0055
   -0.0331    0.0591    0.0090
   -0.0331    0.0591   -0.0090
   -0.0276    0.0626    0.0000
   -0.0421    0.0536   -0.0055
   -0.0421    0.0536    0.0055
    0.0331    0.0591    0.0090
    0.0331    0.0591   -0.0090
    0.0276    0.0626    0.0000
    0.0421    0.0536   -0.0055
    0.0421    0.0536    0.0055
    0.0331   -0.0591   -0.0090
    0.0331   -0.0591    0.0090
    0.0276   -0.0626   -0.0000
    0.0421   -0.0536   -0.0055
    0.0421   -0.0536    0.0055
   -0.0536   -0.0055   -0.0421
   -0.0536    0.0055   -0.0421
   -0.0591   -0.0090   -0.0331
   -0.0591    0.0090   -0.0331
   -0.0626    0.0000   -0.0276
    0.0536   -0.0055   -0.0421
    0.0536    0.0055   -0.0421
    0.0591    0.0090   -0.0331
    0.0591   -0.0090   -0.0331
    0.0626    0.0000   -0.0276
    0.0536   -0.0055    0.0421
    0.0536    0.0055    0.0421
    0.0591    0.0090    0.0331
    0.0591   -0.0090    0.0331
    0.0626   -0.0000    0.0276
   -0.0536   -0.0055    0.0421
   -0.0536    0.0055    0.0421
   -0.0591   -0.0090    0.0331
   -0.0591    0.0090    0.0331
   -0.0626   -0.0000    0.0276
   -0.0000   -0.0094   -0.0677
    0.0000    0.0094   -0.0677
   -0.0091   -0.0056   -0.0675
    0.0091   -0.0056   -0.0675
   -0.0091    0.0056   -0.0675
    0.0091    0.0056   -0.0675
   -0.0162   -0.0519   -0.0415
   -0.0256   -0.0577   -0.0262
   -0.0107   -0.0574   -0.0355
   -0.0254   -0.0483   -0.0411
   -0.0163   -0.0609   -0.0264
   -0.0310   -0.0518   -0.0320
    0.0162   -0.0519   -0.0415
    0.0256   -0.0577   -0.0262
    0.0107   -0.0574   -0.0355
    0.0254   -0.0483   -0.0411
    0.0163   -0.0609   -0.0264
    0.0310   -0.0518   -0.0320
   -0.0262   -0.0256   -0.0577
   -0.0415   -0.0162   -0.0519
   -0.0264   -0.0163   -0.0609
   -0.0320   -0.0310   -0.0518
   -0.0355   -0.0107   -0.0574
   -0.0411   -0.0254   -0.0483
    0.0262   -0.0256   -0.0577
    0.0415   -0.0162   -0.0519
    0.0264   -0.0163   -0.0609
    0.0320   -0.0310   -0.0518
    0.0355   -0.0107   -0.0574
    0.0411   -0.0254   -0.0483
    0.0000   -0.0094    0.0677
    0.0000    0.0094    0.0677
    0.0091   -0.0056    0.0675
   -0.0091   -0.0056    0.0675
    0.0091    0.0056    0.0675
   -0.0091    0.0056    0.0675
   -0.0162   -0.0519    0.0415
   -0.0256   -0.0577    0.0262
   -0.0107   -0.0574    0.0355
   -0.0254   -0.0483    0.0411
   -0.0163   -0.0609    0.0264
   -0.0310   -0.0518    0.0320
    0.0162   -0.0519    0.0415
    0.0256   -0.0577    0.0262
    0.0107   -0.0574    0.0355
    0.0254   -0.0483    0.0411
    0.0163   -0.0609    0.0264
    0.0310   -0.0518    0.0320
    0.0262   -0.0256    0.0577
    0.0415   -0.0162    0.0519
    0.0264   -0.0163    0.0609
    0.0320   -0.0310    0.0518
    0.0355   -0.0107    0.0574
    0.0411   -0.0254    0.0483
   -0.0262   -0.0256    0.0577
   -0.0415   -0.0162    0.0519
   -0.0264   -0.0163    0.0609
   -0.0320   -0.0310    0.0518
   -0.0355   -0.0107    0.0574
   -0.0411   -0.0254    0.0483
   -0.0162    0.0519    0.0415
   -0.0256    0.0577    0.0262
   -0.0107    0.0574    0.0355
   -0.0254    0.0483    0.0411
   -0.0163    0.0609    0.0264
   -0.0310    0.0518    0.0320
    0.0162    0.0519    0.0415
    0.0256    0.0577    0.0262
    0.0107    0.0574    0.0355
    0.0254    0.0483    0.0411
    0.0163    0.0609    0.0264
    0.0310    0.0518    0.0320
    0.0262    0.0256    0.0577
    0.0415    0.0162    0.0519
    0.0264    0.0163    0.0609
    0.0355    0.0107    0.0574
    0.0320    0.0310    0.0518
    0.0411    0.0254    0.0483
   -0.0262    0.0256    0.0577
   -0.0415    0.0162    0.0519
   -0.0264    0.0163    0.0609
   -0.0355    0.0107    0.0574
   -0.0320    0.0310    0.0518
   -0.0411    0.0254    0.0483
   -0.0162    0.0519   -0.0415
   -0.0256    0.0577   -0.0262
   -0.0107    0.0574   -0.0355
   -0.0254    0.0483   -0.0411
   -0.0163    0.0609   -0.0264
   -0.0310    0.0518   -0.0320
    0.0162    0.0519   -0.0415
    0.0256    0.0577   -0.0262
    0.0107    0.0574   -0.0355
    0.0254    0.0483   -0.0411
    0.0163    0.0609   -0.0264
    0.0310    0.0518   -0.0320
   -0.0262    0.0256   -0.0577
   -0.0415    0.0162   -0.0519
   -0.0264    0.0163   -0.0609
   -0.0355    0.0107   -0.0574
   -0.0320    0.0310   -0.0518
   -0.0411    0.0254   -0.0483
    0.0262    0.0256   -0.0577
    0.0415    0.0162   -0.0519
    0.0264    0.0163   -0.0609
    0.0355    0.0107   -0.0574
    0.0320    0.0310   -0.0518
    0.0411    0.0254   -0.0483
   -0.0094   -0.0677   -0.0000
    0.0094   -0.0677    0.0000
   -0.0056   -0.0675   -0.0091
    0.0056   -0.0675   -0.0091
   -0.0056   -0.0675    0.0091
    0.0056   -0.0675    0.0091
   -0.0519   -0.0415   -0.0162
   -0.0577   -0.0262   -0.0256
   -0.0483   -0.0411   -0.0254
   -0.0518   -0.0320   -0.0310
   -0.0574   -0.0355   -0.0107
   -0.0609   -0.0264   -0.0163
   -0.0519   -0.0415    0.0162
   -0.0577   -0.0262    0.0256
   -0.0483   -0.0411    0.0254
   -0.0518   -0.0320    0.0310
   -0.0574   -0.0355    0.0107
   -0.0609   -0.0264    0.0163
   -0.0094    0.0677    0.0000
    0.0094    0.0677    0.0000
   -0.0056    0.0675    0.0091
    0.0056    0.0675    0.0091
   -0.0056    0.0675   -0.0091
    0.0056    0.0675   -0.0091
   -0.0519    0.0415   -0.0162
   -0.0577    0.0262   -0.0256
   -0.0483    0.0411   -0.0254
   -0.0518    0.0320   -0.0310
   -0.0574    0.0355   -0.0107
   -0.0609    0.0264   -0.0163
   -0.0519    0.0415    0.0162
   -0.0577    0.0262    0.0256
   -0.0483    0.0411    0.0254
   -0.0518    0.0320    0.0310
   -0.0574    0.0355    0.0107
   -0.0609    0.0264    0.0163
    0.0519    0.0415   -0.0162
    0.0577    0.0262   -0.0256
    0.0483    0.0411   -0.0254
    0.0518    0.0320   -0.0310
    0.0574    0.0355   -0.0107
    0.0609    0.0264   -0.0163
    0.0519    0.0415    0.0162
    0.0577    0.0262    0.0256
    0.0483    0.0411    0.0254
    0.0518    0.0320    0.0310
    0.0574    0.0355    0.0107
    0.0609    0.0264    0.0163
    0.0519   -0.0415   -0.0162
    0.0577   -0.0262   -0.0256
    0.0483   -0.0411   -0.0254
    0.0518   -0.0320   -0.0310
    0.0574   -0.0355   -0.0107
    0.0609   -0.0264   -0.0163
    0.0519   -0.0415    0.0162
    0.0577   -0.0262    0.0256
    0.0483   -0.0411    0.0254
    0.0518   -0.0320    0.0310
    0.0574   -0.0355    0.0107
    0.0609   -0.0264    0.0163
   -0.0677    0.0000   -0.0094
   -0.0677    0.0000    0.0094
   -0.0675   -0.0091   -0.0056
   -0.0675   -0.0091    0.0056
   -0.0675    0.0091   -0.0056
   -0.0675    0.0091    0.0056
    0.0677   -0.0000   -0.0094
    0.0677   -0.0000    0.0094
    0.0675    0.0091   -0.0056
    0.0675    0.0091    0.0056
    0.0675   -0.0091   -0.0056
    0.0675   -0.0091    0.0056
   -0.0090   -0.0245   -0.0632
    0.0090   -0.0245   -0.0632
   -0.0091   -0.0150   -0.0661
    0.0091   -0.0150   -0.0661
   -0.0000   -0.0480   -0.0486
   -0.0146   -0.0390   -0.0542
   -0.0055   -0.0533   -0.0424
   -0.0202   -0.0443   -0.0480
    0.0146   -0.0390   -0.0542
    0.0055   -0.0533   -0.0424
    0.0202   -0.0443   -0.0480
   -0.0181   -0.0206   -0.0626
   -0.0237   -0.0353   -0.0536
    0.0181   -0.0206   -0.0626
    0.0237   -0.0353   -0.0536
    0.0090   -0.0245    0.0632
   -0.0090   -0.0245    0.0632
    0.0091   -0.0150    0.0661
   -0.0091   -0.0150    0.0661
    0.0000   -0.0480    0.0486
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    0.0480   -0.0202   -0.0443
    0.0542    0.0146   -0.0390
    0.0424    0.0055   -0.0533
    0.0480    0.0202   -0.0443
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    0.0536    0.0237   -0.0353
    0.0626    0.0181   -0.0206
    0.0632   -0.0090   -0.0245
    0.0536   -0.0237   -0.0353
    0.0626   -0.0181   -0.0206
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    0.0661   -0.0091   -0.0150
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    0.0542   -0.0146    0.0390
    0.0424   -0.0055    0.0533
    0.0480   -0.0202    0.0443
    0.0542    0.0146    0.0390
    0.0424    0.0055    0.0533
    0.0480    0.0202    0.0443
    0.0632    0.0090    0.0245
    0.0536    0.0237    0.0353
    0.0626    0.0181    0.0206
    0.0632   -0.0090    0.0245
    0.0536   -0.0237    0.0353
    0.0626   -0.0181    0.0206
    0.0661    0.0091    0.0150
    0.0661   -0.0091    0.0150
   -0.0486   -0.0000    0.0480
   -0.0542   -0.0146    0.0390
   -0.0424   -0.0055    0.0533
   -0.0480   -0.0202    0.0443
   -0.0542    0.0146    0.0390
   -0.0424    0.0055    0.0533
   -0.0480    0.0202    0.0443
   -0.0632   -0.0090    0.0245
   -0.0536   -0.0237    0.0353
   -0.0626   -0.0181    0.0206
   -0.0632    0.0090    0.0245
   -0.0536    0.0237    0.0353
   -0.0626    0.0181    0.0206
   -0.0661   -0.0091    0.0150
   -0.0661    0.0091    0.0150
   -0.0182    0.0000   -0.0659
   -0.0273   -0.0056   -0.0624
    0.0182    0.0000   -0.0659
    0.0273   -0.0056   -0.0624
   -0.0273    0.0056   -0.0624
    0.0273    0.0056   -0.0624
   -0.0056   -0.0624   -0.0273
    0.0056   -0.0624   -0.0273
   -0.0351   -0.0442   -0.0386
   -0.0386   -0.0351   -0.0442
   -0.0000   -0.0659   -0.0182
   -0.0442   -0.0386   -0.0351
    0.0351   -0.0442   -0.0386
    0.0386   -0.0351   -0.0442
    0.0442   -0.0386   -0.0351
    0.0182   -0.0000    0.0659
    0.0273   -0.0056    0.0624
   -0.0182   -0.0000    0.0659
   -0.0273   -0.0056    0.0624
    0.0273    0.0056    0.0624
   -0.0273    0.0056    0.0624
   -0.0056   -0.0624    0.0273
    0.0056   -0.0624    0.0273
   -0.0351   -0.0442    0.0386
   -0.0386   -0.0351    0.0442
   -0.0000   -0.0659    0.0182
   -0.0442   -0.0386    0.0351
    0.0351   -0.0442    0.0386
    0.0386   -0.0351    0.0442
    0.0442   -0.0386    0.0351
   -0.0056    0.0624    0.0273
    0.0056    0.0624    0.0273
   -0.0351    0.0442    0.0386
   -0.0386    0.0351    0.0442
   -0.0000    0.0659    0.0182
   -0.0442    0.0386    0.0351
    0.0351    0.0442    0.0386
    0.0386    0.0351    0.0442
    0.0442    0.0386    0.0351
   -0.0056    0.0624   -0.0273
    0.0056    0.0624   -0.0273
   -0.0351    0.0442   -0.0386
   -0.0386    0.0351   -0.0442
   -0.0000    0.0659   -0.0182
   -0.0442    0.0386   -0.0351
    0.0351    0.0442   -0.0386
    0.0386    0.0351   -0.0442
    0.0442    0.0386   -0.0351
   -0.0624   -0.0273   -0.0056
   -0.0624   -0.0273    0.0056
   -0.0659   -0.0182   -0.0000
   -0.0624    0.0273   -0.0056
   -0.0624    0.0273    0.0056
   -0.0659    0.0182   -0.0000
    0.0624    0.0273   -0.0056
    0.0624    0.0273    0.0056
    0.0659    0.0182    0.0000
    0.0624   -0.0273   -0.0056
    0.0624   -0.0273    0.0056
    0.0659   -0.0182    0.0000

GIBBON www.gibboncode.org

Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]

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License: https://github.com/gibbonCode/GIBBON/blob/master/LICENSE

GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.

Copyright (C) 2019 Kevin Mattheus Moerman

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.