Below is a demonstration of the features of the subTriLoop function
- Syntax
- Description
- Examples
- Example: Refining an icosahedron to illustrate smoothing effect
- Example: Refinement and maintenance of face color data
- Example: Refinement and resampling of vertex data
- Example: Forcing maintenance of boundary
- Example: Study vertex type
- Example: Constraining faces to subdivide "linearly" (shape maintaining)
- Example: Constraining faces but alter boundary of constrained
The subTriLoop function enables refinement of triangulated data using the smooth refinement method by Loop et al. 1987
The input faces and vertices are defined by F and V respectively. Each triangle is split into 4 sub-triangles.
clear; close all; clc;
Plot Settings
Example: Refining an icosahedron to illustrate smoothing effect
[V,F]=platonic_solid(4,1); n=0:1:3; %Number of refinement steps cFigure; gtitle('Loop subdivision') for q=1:1:numel(n) [Fs,Vs]=subTriLoop(F,V,n(q)); subplot(2,2,q); hold on; title([num2str(n(q)),' split iterations'],'FontSize',fontSize); hp1=gpatch(F,V,'none','k',1,2); hp2=gpatch(Fs,Vs,'bw','k',1,2); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; legend([hp1 hp2],{'Original','Refined'}) end drawnow;

Example: Refinement and maintenance of face color data
[V,F]=platonic_solid(4,1); CF=(1:1:size(F,1))'; %Face color data n=2; %Number of refinement steps [Fs,Vs,Cs]=subTriLoop(F,V,n); CFs=CF(Cs); cFigure; gtitle('Loop subdivision') subplot(1,2,1); hold on; title('Original with face colors','FontSize',fontSize); gpatch(F,V,CF,'k',1,2); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow; subplot(1,2,2); hold on; title('Resampled with face colors','FontSize',fontSize); gpatch(Fs,Vs,CFs,'k',1,2); colormap gjet; icolorbar; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; drawnow;

Example: Refinement and resampling of vertex data
[F,V]=stanford_bunny; V=V-mean(V,1); V=V./max(V(:)); CV=sin(2*pi*V(:,1)); n=1; %Number of refinement steps VI=[V CV]; %Append vertex data as column(s) [Fs,VIs]=subTriLoop(F,VI,n); CVs=VIs(:,4); Vs=VIs(:,1:3); cFigure; gtitle('Loop subdivision') subplot(1,2,1); hold on; title('Original with vertex colors','FontSize',fontSize); gpatch(F,V,CV,'k',1,1); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; colormap gjet; drawnow; subplot(1,2,2); hold on; title('Resampled with vertex colors','FontSize',fontSize); gpatch(Fs,Vs,CVs,'k',1,1); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; colormap gjet; drawnow;

Example: Forcing maintenance of boundary
[F,V]=graphicsModels(10); n=1; %Number of refinement steps [Fs,Vs]=subTriLoop(F,V,n); fixBoundaryOpt=1; %Option to constrain boundary to be linearly sampled [Fs2,Vs2]=subTriLoop(F,V,n,fixBoundaryOpt);
cFigure; gtitle('Loop subdivision') subplot(1,3,1); hold on; title('Original with face colors','FontSize',fontSize); hp1=gpatch(F,V,'w','k',1,1); hp2=gpatch(patchBoundary(F,V),V,'none','b',1,3); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; legend([hp1 hp2],{'Surface','Boundary'},'Location','SouthOutside'); view([-40 55]); zoom(1.1); subplot(1,3,2); hold on; title('Resampled with default smooth boundary','FontSize',fontSize); hp1=gpatch(Fs,Vs,'w','k',1,1); hp2=gpatch(patchBoundary(Fs,Vs),Vs,'none','b',1,3); hp2.EdgeAlpha=0.9; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; legend([hp1 hp2],{'Surface','Boundary'},'Location','SouthOutside'); view([-40 55]); zoom(1.1); subplot(1,3,3); hold on; title('Resampled with linearly constrained boundary','FontSize',fontSize); hp1=gpatch(Fs2,Vs2,'w','k',1,1); hp2=gpatch(patchBoundary(Fs2,Vs2),Vs2,'none','b',1,3); hp2.EdgeAlpha=0.9; axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; legend([hp1 hp2],{'Surface','Boundary'},'Location','SouthOutside'); view([-40 55]); zoom(1.1); drawnow;

Example: Study vertex type
An optional 4th output can provide "vertex labels", these define the vertex origins, i.e. whether they stem from the initial coordinates (iteration 0), or from iteration n.
n=2; %Number of refinement steps
cFigure; hold on; title('Visualizing point type','FontSize',fontSize); gpatch(Fs,Vs,'w','k',1,1); scatterV(Vs,50,CV,'filled') axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; view(2); colormap gjet; [~,hc]=icolorbar; hc.TickLabels={'Iter. 0';'Iter. 1';'Iter. 2'}; drawnow;

Example: Constraining faces to subdivide "linearly" (shape maintaining)
% Using |triBox| to build the patch model
[F,V,faceBoundaryMarker]=triBox([2 2 2],1);
n=2; %Number of refinement steps logicConstrain=(faceBoundaryMarker==5); %Logic for faces to subdivide linearly [Fs,Vs,Cs,CV]=subTriLoop(F,V,n,0,logicConstrain); faceBoundaryMarker_sub=faceBoundaryMarker(Cs); %Get boundary markers for refined mesh
cFigure; subplot(1,2,1); hold on; gpatch(F,V,faceBoundaryMarker,'k',1,1); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; colormap(gca,gjet(6)); icolorbar; subplot(1,2,2); hold on; gpatch(Fs,Vs,faceBoundaryMarker_sub,'k',1,1); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; colormap(gca,gjet(6)); icolorbar; drawnow;

Example: Constraining faces but alter boundary of constrained
% Using |triBox| to build the patch model
[Fq,V,faceBoundaryMarker_q]=quadBox([1 1 2],[1 1 2]);
F=[Fq(:,[1 2 3]);Fq(:,[3 4 1]);];
n=3; %Number of refinement steps logicConstrain=ismember(faceBoundaryMarker,[5,6]); %Logic for faces to subdivide linearly indConstrain=find(logicConstrain); indNotConstrain=find(~logicConstrain); [Fs1,Vs1,Cs1]=subTriLoop(F(logicConstrain,:),V,n); faceBoundaryMarker_sub1=faceBoundaryMarker(indConstrain(Cs1)); %Get boundary markers for refined mesh [Fs2,Vs2,Cs2]=subTriLoop(F(~logicConstrain,:),V,n); faceBoundaryMarker_sub2=faceBoundaryMarker(indNotConstrain(Cs2)); %Get boundary markers for refined mesh [Fs,Vs,faceBoundaryMarker_sub]=joinElementSets({Fs1,Fs2},{Vs1,Vs2},{faceBoundaryMarker_sub1,faceBoundaryMarker_sub2}); [Fs,Vs]=patchCleanUnused(Fs,Vs); [Fs,Vs]=mergeVertices(Fs,Vs);
cFigure; subplot(1,2,1); hold on; gpatch(F,V,faceBoundaryMarker,'k',1,1); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; colormap(gca,gjet(6)); icolorbar; subplot(1,2,2); hold on; gpatch(Fs,Vs,faceBoundaryMarker_sub,'k',1,1); axisGeom(gca,fontSize); camlight headlight; colormap(gca,gjet(6)); icolorbar; drawnow;

Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]
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GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.
Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Kevin Mattheus Moerman and the GIBBON contributors
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