GIBBON Workshop WCB 2018
Time: Saturday 7th of July, 9:30am-12:30pm
Location: PAC room, Basement level 2, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College Dublin, 152-160 Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
Contact details: Dr. Kevin Moerman, MIT Media Lab, ([email protected])
Registration link:
Join this workshop to learn about GIBBON: a FREE and open-source MATLAB toolbox for segmentation, image-based modelling, visualization, meshing, and finite element analysis. GIBBON includes an array of image and geometry visualization and processing tools and is interfaced with free open source software such as TetGen, for robust tetrahedral meshing, and FEBio for finite element analysis. The combination provides a highly flexible image-based modelling environment and enables advanced inverse finite element analysis.
Learning objectives
Through this workshop you will be introduced to:
- Finding GIBBON documentation and running demos
- Obtaining surface geometry from 3D image data
- Optimizing surface meshes through smoothening and remeshing
- Performing tetrahedral meshing using GIBBON and TetGen
- Specifying finite element model boundary conditions in GIBBON
- Running GIBBON coded FEBio models from MATLAB
What to bring/install
1) Please bring your own laptop.
2) Have MATLAB installed (the latest preferred or at least R2016)
3) Have FEBio installed
4) Have GIBBON installed
5) Have a text editor installed which is able to view large XML files, e.g. Atom or NotePad++
Get started right now!
- Explore the GIBBON website
- Install GIBBON
- Check out the README and the getting started section.
- Find the project on GitHub and learn how you can contribute!