
Below is a demonstration of the features of the anim8 function


clear; close all; clc;




The anim8 function can be used to interactively animate graphics components. Anything about a figure and its content with a handle whose properties can be accessed/altered using MATLAB can be animated. This includes properties of graphics objects and view settings. To use anim8 create a figure window with features to animate (e.g. plots, surfaces, views, etc.). Next create a structure containing the object handles, object properties to alter, and the property values. The anim8 function takes in 0, 1, or 2 inputs. No input: Anim8 will assume you want to browse to a previously saved anim8 figure and reload it. 1 input: Anim8 will assume the input is a path to a previously saved anim8 figure to be reloaded. 2 inputs: Anim8 will assume the first input is the figure handle, and the second input the anim8 structure.


Example 1a: Animating by adjusting a single graphics property, a surface rotation

Creating example data, in this case a surface which will be rotated in the animation by adjusting the angular value of a view property of the axis.

[X,Y,Z]=peaks(25); %Some graphics data

Initiate a visualization in a figure window while storing an object handle, in this case an axis handle to manipulate a view.

view(3); axis equal; axis tight; axis vis3d; grid on; box on;
camlight headlight;
h_ax=gca; %Store handle for use in animation
%Populate the animaStruct

nSteps=25; %Number of animation steps

%Create the time vector

%Create angles to set view

for q=1:1:nSteps

    aNow=a(q); %The current angle

    %Set entries in animation structure
    animStruct.Handles{q}=h_ax; %Handles of objects to animate
    animStruct.Props{q}={'View'}; %Properties of objects to animate
    animStruct.Set{q}={[aNow h_ax.View(2)]}; %Property values for to set in order to animate

Viewing the animation. By calling anim8 a GUI is created in the specified figure. An anim8 scrollbar and buttons appear to interact with the animation. There is a play/stop button, a timing adjustment button, a bounce button, and an export gif button. Press the questionmark button to get help on these buttons.

Start anim8 gui


Example 1b: Animating by adjusting a single graphics property, surface vectors

In this example a surface model is visualized. The length of the face normal vectors is animated.

[F,V]=stanford_bunny; %Some graphics data

Initiate a visualization in a figure window while storing an object handle, in this case an axis handle to manipulate a view.

hp=patchNormPlot(F,V,2); %The face normal patch
view(3); axis equal; axis tight; axis vis3d; grid on; box on;
camlight headlight; axis off; axis manual;
ax.Clipping = 'off';
%Populate the animaStruct

nSteps=25; %Number of animation steps

%Create the time vector

%The vector lengths

[N,Vn]=patchNormal(F,V); %Face normals

for q=1:1:nSteps

    aNow=a(q); %The current angle

    [Fni,Vni,~]=quiver3Dpatch(Vn(:,1),Vn(:,2),Vn(:,3),N(:,1),N(:,2),N(:,3),[],[aNow aNow]);

    %Set entries in animation structure
    animStruct.Handles{q}=hp; %Handles of objects to animate
    animStruct.Props{q}={'Vertices'}; %Properties of objects to animate
    animStruct.Set{q}={Vni}; %Property values for to set in order to animate

Viewing the animation. By calling anim8 a GUI is created in the specified figure. An anim8 scrollbar and buttons appear to interact with the animation. There is a play/stop button, a timing adjustment button, a bounce button, and an export gif button. Press the questionmark button to get help on these buttons.

Start anim8 gui


Example 2a: Animating multiple graphics features, points and curves

Creating example data, in this case a sine curve. A single point will be animated to move allong the curve.

nSteps=50; %Number of animation steps

Initiate a visualization in a figure window while storing an object handle, in this case handles to plots of points and curves. A circle, a sine, and a cosine graph are shown and their relationships are animated.


subplot(2,2,1); hold on;
hp2=plot(x(1),t(1),'r.','MarkerSize',50); %Handle for object to adjust
view(2); axis square; axis tight; grid on; box on;

subplot(2,2,3); hold on;
hp1=plot(x(1),y(1),'b.','MarkerSize',50); %Handle for object to adjust
hp4=plot([0 0],[0 y(1)],'g-','LineWidth',2); %Handle for object to adjust
hp5=plot([0 0],[x(1) 0],'r-','LineWidth',2); %Handle for object to adjust
view(2); axis square; axis tight; grid on; box on;

subplot(2,2,4); hold on;
hp3=plot(t(1),y(1),'g.','MarkerSize',50); %Handle for object to adjust
view(2); axis square; axis tight; grid on; box on;

%Populate the animaStruct

%Create the time vector

for q=1:1:nSteps
    tNow=t(q); %The current t
    xNow=x(q); %The current x
    yNow=y(q); %The current y

    %Set entries in animation structure
    animStruct.Handles{q}=[hp1,hp1,hp2,hp2,hp3,hp3,hp4,hp5]; %Handles of objects to animate
    animStruct.Props{q}={'XData','YData','XData','YData','XData','YData','YData','XData'}; %Properties of objects to animate
    animStruct.Set{q}={xNow,yNow,xNow,tNow,tNow,yNow,[0 yNow],[xNow 0]}; %Property values for to set in order to animate

Viewing the animation. By calling anim8 a GUI is created in the specified figure. An anim8 scrollbar and buttons appear to interact with the animation. There is a play/stop button, a timing adjustment button, a bounce button, and an export gif button. Press the questionmark button to get help on these buttons.

Start anim8 gui


Example 2b: Animating multiple graphics features, color changing, bouncing, rotating surface

In this example a surface model is visualized. The coordinates, color, and transparancy of the surface model are adjusted as a function of the time steps.

[F,V]=stanford_bunny; %Some graphics data

Initiate a visualization in a figure window while storing an object handle, in this case the handle to patch graphics.

view(3); axis equal; axis tight; axis vis3d; grid on; box on;
camlight headlight; axis off; axis manual;
ax.Clipping = 'off';
%Populate the animaStruct

nSteps=25; %Number of animation steps

animStruct.Time=linspace(0,10,nSteps); %Time vector

%Other elements required for this animation
R=euler2DCM([0 0 (2*pi)/nSteps]); %Rotation tensor, the same for each step
a=(max(V(:,3))-min(V(:,3)))/2; %Amplitude for translation
c=gjet(nSteps); %RGB color array for color variation

for q=1:1:nSteps
    if q>1

    %Up-down translation
    Vp=V; %Get rotated version
    Vp(:,3)=Vp(:,3)+a/2*sin(2*pi*(animStruct.Time(q)/max(animStruct.Time))); %Add offset

    cNow=c(q,:); %Current color


    %Set entries in animation structure
    animStruct.Handles{q}=[hp,hp,hp]; %Handles of objects to animate
    animStruct.Props{q}={'FaceColor','Vertices','FaceAlpha'}; %Properties of objects to animate
    animStruct.Set{q}={cNow,Vp,alphaNow}; %Property values for to set in order to animate

Start anim8 gui


Loading a saved anim8 figure;


Demo of the GUI


Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]

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GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.

Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Kevin Mattheus Moerman and the GIBBON contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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